Cave Ninja Up

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The mutant duo of Bebop and Rocksteady along with the Dazzlings were once again surrounded by Triceraton Guards.

"There gonna vaporize us, dawg!" Bebop cried.

Rocksteady held him close, "I love you, Bebop! Hold me tight!"

Sonata grabbed hold of Adagio and Aria, "You were best sisters and friends a siren could ask for!"

However, the lady Tricereton raised her hand and the guards lowered their blasters. then she turned to one of the guards "Lieutenant Zorg, take the mutants and humans to my command center."

"As you wish, General Zera," the guard responded.

"No-no-no-no-no, hold up, lady," Bebop waved his hands, then motioned to Rocksteady, "Don't you know this guy? Look at him, he's one of you, of course! He's a cousie-whuzz!"

"Yeah," Sonata pointed to Rocksteady's horns, "Don't you see the see the family resemblance?"

"Um, da! We is cousins," Rocksteady said, "We are same species of... Alien Horn People!"

"Really?" Adagio gave them a flat look.

Soon they were tossed into a small cage, "Ah, man!" Rocksteady groaned "Trick no work."

"Gee, yah think?!" Aria glared at him.

"Shhh, quiet down, girl, they got some kind of plan cooking." Bebop said.

"Uh, Zera, was it?" Adagio asked, "Mind telling me what it is you're doing?"

"Seeing as how you are in no position to do anything, I'll tell you," Zera began, "Not long ago, our planet was destroyed by our most vile enemy: the Kraang!"

"Hey! We hate those guys too," Sonata spoke up, "As Aria would say, 'they're the worst!'"

"Newly crowned Emperor Zanmoran declared, that we would hunt down and annihilate every last Kraang in the entire galaxy, and not let anything or anyone stand in our way," Zera continued, "My army and I were sent here to scout out for any possible Kraang outposts. But instead of the Kraang, we discovered this." Zera held up one of the time crystals.

"A crystal?" Aria said, uninterested.

"These crystals have very unique properties," Zera explained, "When used correctly, they have the power to control the very force of time!"

"You mean, you can use them to time travel?" Adagio asked.

"The aura of Time will empower us in ways your pitiful minds could never conceive," Zera went on, "Our great race of Tricereatons will reap any time period we want. We can restore our glorious empire and rule the galaxy!"

"That sounds great." a Triceraton stationary said to another.

"That's sounds terrible!" Bebop whimpered.

"For once, I agree with the warthog." Aria said, with wide eyes.

"We better come up with plan soon, comrades." Rocksteady said.

"Zera, listen to me," Adagio started.

"Silence!" a soldier ordered.

Zera cut him off, "No, let her speak."

"I'm sorry for what the Kraang did to you and your people, but doing this will just lead you down a path we nearly took!" Adagio reasoned, "You don't have to do this."

Zera wasn't swayed "You're right. We CHOOSE to do this!"

"So much for negotiation." Adagio frowned.

Equestria Ninja Girls Minis: Blast to the PastWhere stories live. Discover now