Chapter 3

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Skylar pulled out a messily wrapped package. It was wrapped with brown wood working paper and signed with his rough signature that Everly could spot from a mile away.

"Thank you so much... Skylar." Everly said quietly. 

Skylar grinned, "No problem."

Everly carefully opened the parcel. 

She opened the box that hid underneath the paper.

She made a quiet gasp.

Skylar looked at her nervously, "what? Is it not what you wanted...?"

"No... no it's.." Everly pulled out the gift.

In her hands she held a dusty, dark green hard cover book with gold embellishments. 

On the cover it read in gold leaf, "Stories to read with a biscuit and tea".

Everly clutched it to her chest, "I've been looking for this for ages," she looked at him, "how did you know..?"

Skylar smiled and looked at her in her beautiful deep blue eyes, "I know things."

Everly threw her arms around him, "Thank you so much!"

Skylar's cheeks turned a deep pink as he hugged her back, "of course."

They quickly tore apart as a creak of Everly's door sounded.

Rose walked in, wearing a long, silky, elegant pink robe with fur trim.

Her silk face mask was set on her forehead, and her hair was a blonde rat's nest.

"What's all that noise- Ooooh." Rose said as she noticed them.

She grinned and slowly slinked out of their room.

Once she was for sure gone, Everly and Skylar broke out into quiet laughs.

oops sorry for that sudden stop, but i cant fit all of the romance in one chapter!


- Rose

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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