2: Vigilant Yaksha

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"Vigilant Yaksha? You mean Xiao?"

So that was his name...

"Ah, so he must've saved you before." Verr Goldet remarked.

"That is correct. So...ah...do you know where he is?" I asked.

"Um..he's usually on the highest balcony of the Inn at night. But he prefers being alone." Verr Goldet said.

So that's why I've never seen anyone around when I come up.


"You don't actually plan on meeting him, do you?" Verr Godet said incredulously

"Of course I do! He might be able to help me. Y'know, with my Vision..." I said, almost shyly.

"Hm, I guess that would be for the betterment of everyone. If you insist..." Verr Goldet said.

"So how exactly do I meet him?" I asked eagerly.

"You could go to the the balcony at night and call him, although that doesn't always work. If you you want a more guaranteed chance of meeting him, I'll ask Smiley Yanxiao to make you some almond tofu." Verr Goldet winked.

"What? Why?"

"You'll see."

I went back to the highest balcony, namely to clear my dish that I had left up there. The Vigilant Yaksha, Xiao. One of the illuminated beasts who are contracted to protect Liyue...I look towards the view from the balcony, the dark forest of Wuwang Hill to my right and the abode of the adepti to my left. I briefly meet eyes with a passing falcon. I wonder what he's like?


Night had finally fallen. I had spent most of the morning and afternoon helping fix the Inn's staircase, as was my wont. So I was completely exhausted.

I collected the almond tofu from Smiley Yanxiao and made my way up to the highest balcony. I felt a bit nervous. What if this guy was a dick? I took a deep breath. "Xiao?"



"You called?" Said a voice behind me.

I immediately swiveled my head and met eyes with...a boy?

Is this Vigilant Yaksha? He's not very much taller than me. But... I took note of his eyes. Thosing piercing orpiment eyes and the Anemo Vision on his wrist. Yes, this had to be him. Too much was happening at one time for me take height into account...

"State your reason for summoning me, mortal."

"First, take this," I said, handing the almond tofu to him. He took it wordlessly. "Continue" Xiao said, stuffing a piece in his mouth.

I took a deep breath. "I'd like to make a contract with you, Adeptus Xiao."

He raised an eyebrow. "A contract?"

"Yes. Please..." I did a 90 degree bow.

"Please train me!"

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