6: Where All Ships Dock

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"Like this?"

I tried imbuing the blade of the polearm with Anemo.

"Yes," Xiao said as the blade turned into a luciform green. "Now, try aiming it towards the target." He gestured towards a tree with a large X carved into the bark.

I threw the spear, letting out a yell as I did so.

It was a bullseye; the spear landed directly in the center of the X. I had barely enough time be elated in my achievement when there was a deafening snap.  The tree grew larger as it hurtled towards the ground.


Xiao harshly pushed me out of the way, punching the air out of my chest. Biting back a shout, I looked at the now fallen tree. It landed exactly where I was standing.

"Are you alright?" Xiao asked, not angrily. I muttered a thanks and quickly got up, not minding the bruises on my legs and arms.

Xiao must've noticed my body language, because he said, "Despite what it looks like, you're getting better. This time you actually hit the target."


"What is it?"

"Can you escort me to Liyue Harbour?"

Xiao blinked. "Why?"

"...For a change of scenery. Also," I looked away sheepishly. "I haven't been there yet."

Xiao crossed his arms, seemingly deep in thought, before coming to a conclusion.

"I will escort you. But I will not enter the city, understand?"

"Why not?" Xiao walk passed me, disregarding my question.

Strange. Touchy subject, I suppose.

"When do you wish to depart?"

Without any hesitation. "Now. Right now."

"Of course. But aren't you forgetting something?" Xiao gestured to the tree.

"Oh, right."



The view was spectacular; red and gold glinted from rooftops, the light of lanterns shimmered as they reflected onto the sea. Boats came in and out of the harbour, carrying either people or goods.  The smell of sea brine carried in the wind.

"This is as close as I'll get to the city. Be careful, and remember, if you find yourself in danger, call out my name." Xiao turned on his heel to leave.

"Wait! Are you sure you don't want to—" But he had already disappeared.

"Oh well..." I stepped into Liyue Harbour, taking in the sights and sounds the city had to offer.

This is quite different from Fontaine's capital. But it was just as busy; people were hurrying to get wherever they needed to be, living their hurried little lives.

I remember Smiley Yanxiao mentioning a place called the 'One Mint Restaurant', I wonder where that is...

"Oh!" I exclaimed, feeling something firm yet soft collide into me.

It was a woman with blue hair, something horn-like protruding from her head. Papers and files were scattered around her; black-gloved hands clutched the area which she had hurt.

"I'm so sorry!" I hastened to help the lady up and pick up her papers. "I wasn't looking where I was going, are you alright?"

"Ah, I'm fine, thank you." She gingerly stood up. "Oh, thank you," she said as I handed her her papers. "I'm Ganyu, you are?"


Ganyu's POV

Eyes greener and brighter than any jade that could be found in Jueyun Karst she has, is what I thought. I felt utterly dazed, and not from the fall.

"Sin." I repeated. "That's a beautiful name. But it isn't local. You must be visiting?"

"Thank you, and that's right. I'm looking for the 'One Mint Restaurant.'" You said.

"'One...Mint'? Oh, you must mean the Wanmin Restaurant?"

"Yeah, yeah, that." I saw a blush form on your cheeks, seemingly embarrassed about having mispronounced the restaurant's name.

"Up those stairs, take a left and keep going until Chihu Rock. The smell alone will tell you if you've come at the right place." I pointed towards the cobblestone staircase that led to Liyue's shopping district.

"Thanks for your help, Ganyu! See you!" You waved as you disappeared towards the staircase.

I stared at where you once stood for a while.

Sin. The name was easy to say and it rolled off of my tongue.

I had to know more.

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