Who Wins The Bet

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It was common knowledge that you and Jughead flirted a lot. Everyone could feel the sexual tension from a mile away. But neither one of you had the courage to do anything about it. You two were close friends and didn't want to ruin that.

It all changed at one of Cheryl's annual parties.

Being one of the vixens as well as being friends with Veronica gave all of you entrance into the party.

As You and Jug entered the party bickering, you didn't notice everyone around you talking about the bet.

"Tonight's my night!" Ronnie squeals. "Be prepared to pay up!"

Kevin shakes his head. "There's no way. Those two are stubborn as hell. My guess is at least a year."

"Fuck that. I'll lock them both in a damn room together if I have to hear Jug go on about her one more time." Archie adds in.

Betty just shakes her head at them. She betted on last week and lost so she was out.

"Jones shut it. Silence of the Lambs is forever a classic."

He rolls his eyes. "Yeah if you're into creepy shit."

"Maybe I am." You smirk and wink at him. His face turning a pale pink.

"Oh Yeah Princess? Like what?" His voice lowers as he steps closer.

The music pulses with your heartbeat in your ears.

"Wouldn't you like to know." You cheekily reply as you place a hand on his chest. His heart matching the beat in your ears.

It happened all the time. One of you would say something suggestive and the other would run with it until you two were within reach of each other. Staring until one of you broke the tension.

But right now, neither of you wanted to move.

Maybe it was the music pushing you to do it. Or maybe it was the fact that you couldn't take the tension anymore.

No one knows but your thoughts were cut off by searing hot lips hitting yours with a gasp. His hands grab at your waist and pulls you closer.

Your hands grab at his dark locks as your back hits the wall behind you. His body pressed up against yours.

"Jug. Find a different room. Fuck." You gasp as his lips trail down your neck. A fire setting in your skin.

He pulls away enough to drag you into the closet room he could find. Neither of you caring if anyone saw you.

He's tugging your shirt off as the door shuts and shoves you against the wood.

He kisses you hard, swallowing your soft moans and roaming his hands against your hot skin.

You pull off in beanie and tug his shirt off as he marks your neck.

"Fuck." He groans as you grind against his hips. Both of you burning with lust.

His hands trail down to your legs and you wrap them around his waist, only to be carried to the bed.

He deposits you onto the bed and tugs at your skirt while you work on his jeans. Neither wanting to stop kissing, making everything difficult.

"Let's hope Cheryl put condoms in this room." He mutters against you as he crawls on top of you.

You wrap your arms around his neck. "Yes. Or less you aren't getting laid until you find one."

"Of course, Princess." He kisses your nose before searching the nightstand next to you. "Thank you, Cheryl." He says as he pulls out a wrapped condom.

You laugh as he makes his way over to you. "Never thought you'd thank her for something."

"I would never but-" You cut him off with a kiss.

"Shut it Jones and fuck me." He groans and grabs at your waist, dragging you closer.

You moan when you feel his hard on pressed against your thigh. You smirk and grind up against it earning a moan from the boy above you.

He grinds down against your heat making you let out a high pitched whine and buck up. Your hands dragging down against his back, leaving red marks as he bites at your neck.

Your vision fogs with lust as he pulls off both your underwear. Him throbbing and you soaked.

After fumbling with the condom, he finally pushes his hard member into your delicious heat and groans at the sensation.

You tug at his hair to tell him to move and roll your eyes back when he thrusts in deep. Fuck.

After your little exercise together, he walked you home and kissed you again.

You grin as you made your way up to bed.

Your phone buzzes.

From Ronnie:

Who wins the bet?

Jughead ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now