Chapter 11

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A/N Just when you thought I was gone, I came back bitches! This is the final chapter. :)

Tommyinnit POV

I sighed and walked with Wilbur. We had looked at the destruction. 

"It's sad seeing this. Only if we had lived long enough to be able to tell them what really happened in exile." Wilbur stated. He seemed sad. 

"Well, I didn't tell you this, but I left a note in my pocket, and wrote on myself saying check my pocket. I had told of everything that happened." Wilbur looked at me and smiled. 

"Do you want to go back as Ghosts again and show them?" I smiled and nodded. Wilbur put his hands into mine, and we came back as ghosts. 

"Ghostinnit? Ghostbur?" I nodded. I didn't feel like smiling right now. 

"Where's my dead body?" Ranboo looked at me confused.

"Why would you need your dead body?" I shook my head and sighed. 

"There was something in my pocket that could help explain why we did the things we did." Ranboo looked at the both of us, then nodded. He led me to Wilbur and I's grave. 

"Thank you." I dug up my body and saw that it was still in my pocket. I picked it up and placed it on the ground near me. I reburied myself in the dirt and held the book up to Ranboo. 

"Take it to Phil and Techno. They'll know what to do with it." Ranboo nodded and smiled. Ghostbur and I slowly started fading. 

"Get Dream, he can revive Fundy." Ranboo nodded again and we disappeared. 

Ranboo POV

I watched as the ghost brothers disappeared right in front of me. I frowned and made my way towards Phil and Techno's base. I looked at the egg's stuff that was everywhere. I didn't like it. Soon enough I made it to their base. I knocked on the door and watched as Techno pulled the door open. 

"What's up Ranboo?" I smiled nervously. 

"Take this book. Read it. Tommy wrote it." Techno looked slightly discomforted by the name of his dead brother but nodded and took the book. He invited me inside and he read it out loud. 

"To whoever is reading this, I'm glad you found it. Day 1 of Exile.

Please help me, Wilbur's started to get obsessed with TNT. day 2 Wilbur's gone insane. Someone please visit us. day three I can't take much more of him. Day four I think I am starting to lose hope. Not good. Month 1 I've lost my mind. He won't shut up." Techno took a better look at the book and sighed. 

"I would have gone insane too Toms.." Phil said. He missed Tommy dearly. They all missed the magical adventures and the fun times that they had. 

"Month two. I love TNT!! Wilbur showed me all the great things I could do with it! Dream just came by and told us Techno would be coming to the SMP. I'm glad, maybe he could help us win against Manberg. Month three, Wilbur is gone. I am slowly becoming like him. Maybe I should've just taken his offer. Month four. Technoblade is here, but I've lost my god-damn mind. I don't know how much longer I will be writing in here. Month five I'm done writing. Were blowing up Manberg tomorrow, I'm sorry to everyone for what I ha-" Techno took a breath, "have done. Please forgive me. I apologize for being like this but it's so damn fun to have no line to cross when you've already crossed it." Techno sighed and put the book down. Phil looked upset. 

"I wish I had visited them more. I could have helped them both." Techno looked at Phil with a sympathetic look. 

"You wouldn't have, trust me. They were long gone." Phil sighed.

"I wish I was there to help, but as you know, I only arrived 6 months ago. I was too far late." I sighed. I couldn't help but feel bad for the two. I may have never met Wilbur or Tommy, but they seemed like genuinely good people, they just ended terribly.  

"Ranboo could've helped Tommy and Tommy could've helped Wilbur." Techno said. Phil nodded. 

"There is one last thing that they told me," Phil and Techno looked at me confused, "They told me to get Dream, he could revive Fundy-" They gasped and looked at each other. 

"Let's go now." I nodded. We all ran to go find Dream, we stayed in a group. We eventually found Dream. 

"Dream! You can revive people, right?" Dream looked at me confused but then nodded. 

"Revive Fundy, Wilbur and Tommy!" Dream smiled. 

"Fine. I miss the chaos." Dream grabbed a book out of his enderchest and then revived the three. 

"They will be where they died. Better get running!" All three of us ran for Wilbur and Tommy first. Fundy could wait. 

"Tommy! Wilbur!!" They looked confused and dazed. 

"Where are we?" I smiled. 

"L'manberg." They looked at each other and laughed. 

"Damn we really made a mess here." Tommy said. Wilbur smiled. 

"Yeah! I never realized how much TNT we made." They laughed and joked for about a minute. 

"Well, anyways. What do you want?" Phil and Techno smiled. I smiled as well. 

"To help you." They rolled their eyes and then somehow decided on something. 

"Welp, weve got a life to live! Let's go Tommy!!" Tommy nodded and they logged off. This wasn't good.

"Well, lets go find Fundy then." We walked over to Fundy and saw him laying there frozen. 

"Where am I?" I smiled. 

"Back in L'manberg, breathing and alive." Fundy smiled. 

"They really did it. Son of a bitch they really did it." Fundy laughed. 

"They did it! They did it!" I looked at Fundy confused. 

'What do you mean?" Fundy smiled at me. 

"They said they might disappear before getting to tell anyone. But you were there and now were back!" Fundy smiled and skipped around. 

"Well! I'll see you around Ranboo!" I nodded and walked back to Techno's base with Techno and Phil. 

"Their really back.." I smiled. 

"They really are." Phil smiled. 


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