The Interviews

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When coming into the girl's room, Nasir would knock before stepping in. "Alright you two, let's get working." And as Nasir spoke, he removed the clothing bag like he did with Randy's. Under the bag was an elegant dress that was short in the front but long in the back. The dress was a dark blue, like Astrid's hair. There would be ruffles and frills on the bottom half of the dress within the skirt, giving the dress volume and movement.

Along each edge of the frills and ruffles were pink glitter accents, hinting towards Randy and his color scheme. Astrid released a small laugh, looking the dress up and down.

"I am never going to get used to dresses. I don't know how you all can wear them everyday."

Raven shrugged, selecting makeup to go along with the dress, "We grew up with the fashion. It was a normal thing to wear dresses everywhere. Otherwise, how else would people know you're a serious member of society?" It was a harsh reality when the two worlds of the Capitol and the districts met. None of what was normal to the people within the Capitol walls was normal to the people outside of the walls.

Nasir placed a hand on Astrid's shoulder, hoping to ease the tension. "Just think, this could be your last time wearing a dress again for a while. With the Games happening tomorrow, you'll be in jumpsuits and spandex. Just the thing a girl needs, right?" She chuckled, rolling her eyes. Nasir bowed and left the two to get ready, allowing Astrid to have her privacy.

There would be an hour before the tributes had to be lined up and ready for the interviews. Randy was dressed in his suit, his hair styled into a solid curl that fell to the right side of his forehead. Astrid was in her dress, her hair curled and falling to the left side of her chest. Her rose gold shoes matched the rose gold lip piercing she wore in her lip. When the two were both done and dressed, they stepped out of their rooms.

Aryn complimented Astrid's dress and Raven cooed at Randy's hair curl as the two tributes met up with Layla and Nuyun who stood out in the middle of the hallways.

"Oh, you both look absolutely ravishing! Randy, your hair curl is so cute! And Astrid, you're so elegant and sexy! Nasir did really well for these interviews." Layla fussed over Astrid's dress, enjoying the frills and ruffles that seemed to flow with every movement Astrid took. Nuyun approached the two, extending out a hand towards a nearby hallway.

"You will be asked to line up right outside the stage door, where Jack will interview each of you for around 10 minutes each. Some could take longer, some could take longer. Depending on the person. Are you both ready?" To answer Nuyun's question, both tributes nodded their heads, following Nuyun as he led them to the backstage area where other tributes stood waiting in line. They would be asked to wait in numerical order based on their districts, standing behind the tributes of District 5, Jaxson and Maggie.

"You both look wonderful", Maggie whispered.

"Your designer did good with you both as well", Randy whispered back. Tributes were forbidden to talk to each other during the interviews. It was to prevent any arguments or spark any more hatred between the tributes. Peacekeepers and Avoxes stood silently nearby, keeping order and peace as each tribute got interviewed. Minutes before the live interviews would begin, Jack Styles came waltzing down the hallway that led to the stage. He passed each tribute, smiling and waving.

"Good luck with you all tonight!" He chuckled, grabbing a nearby microphone. He fixed his tie, tightened his ponytail, and stepped through the stage door that led to the main stage. It would be all dark, audience members talking amongst themselves until the event started. Once Jack was at his usual spot for his show, loud brassy music began to play, the lights on the stage shining up onto him.

He wore a sparkly black suit that sparkled and shone like stars in the sky. The tributes backstage could see what viewers could see from the cameras. It would be broadcasted live everywhere to every district that had screens. May it be in homes, or live in the streets of districts. The event was big and loud for everyone in the Capitol. Once the music died down, Jack got to his feet, grinning widely.

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