batle training

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we now se jiro siting down loking around waiting for the teacher  

jiro,when is redeye coming 

lida,call the sensei by his name not

jiro,shut up stick up

lida,my name is lida not stick up have better maners

jiro,stick up havent youre parents ever told you to mind your own fucking buisnes bitch so get a live,as she sits down 

lida,goes to his sit saing that she is disrectspectfull 

jiro,litle bitch 


jiro,murmurs,more like idiot

assmigth,ok so today we will have.......Batle Training



both,look at jiro 

jiro,flips them off and keeps loking at nowere 

assmigth,now what are heros whitout there coutumes

jiro,murmurs,a hero 

assmigth,now grab your suit case and will meet on ground beta

jiro,grabs her suitcase and leaves to the changing room

in the changing room

jiro,changing into this

Jiro,takes two keys fastly and puts them on her pocket

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Jiro,takes two keys fastly and puts them on her pocket

This are the keys both red

Jiro,also puts another key on her shoe

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Jiro,also puts another key on her shoe

Jiro,also puts another key on her shoe

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jiro,why is there a hole on the wall 

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jiro,why is there a hole on the wall 

mina,for our bad luck thanks to allmigth we canot closethe hole

jiro,puts a poster infront of it,he never said cover it so yeah

jiro,leaves the changing room

in ground beta

assmigth,ok now lets pick teams now take a random paper from the box 

jiro,grabs one 

jiro,please please for all the treasure in the world dont be kora

jiro,ses the name tokoyami, thank god

tokoyami,jiro rigth

jiro,yep jiro here 

tokoyami,by the way have a plan 

jiro,yeah i do,as she wispers the plan

Now Time skip

Jiro,gokai change 

Jiro,gokai change 

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Jiro,gokai change 


Tokoyami,do you like the skirt

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Tokoyami,do you like the skirt

Jiro,yes I do you tell enyone,gets out the ,takes out the gokaiger gun,you can say bay bay to live

Jiro,goes in and hits kora ho was ring to attack her

jiro,tokoyami take charge

jiro,gokai charge 


Jiro,teleports into the bom room

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Jiro,teleports into the bom room

Bakugo, tries to attack jiro

Jiro,secred weapon


Jiro,shoots at him in the legs 

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Jiro,shoots at him in the legs 

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