a normal doorm room day whit jiro

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we now se jiro on her dorrm room


jiro,wakes up and goes to the kitchen

jiro,serves herself a entire gallon of rum and starts to drink 

lida,what are you doing 



jiro,your moms milk that i got from milking her fat ti

jiro,continues to drink  her rum

46 gallons  and yelling of lida

jiro,fuck you you stick up litle bitch 


jiro,you hurt me rigth so shut up hipl,clearly drunk 

kaminary,now i have a chanse

kaminary ,wana go on a date

all the boys,she is so drunk im prety sure she is gona say yes

jiro,i would prefer to date a rotten century egg that some how grew legs and a d that is the sise of a tictac than you


jiro,clearly drunk,you heard me rigth you phone charger

kaminary,what situation would you date me

jiro,if your name was izuku,you were 7,8 feet tall,you were a gentellman,yo new how to please a woman,and have d  larger or as large as a coca cola bottle,smiling 

jiro,basicly not you,drinking some rum 

kaminary,gets sad

izumi,did he look like this

jiro,yep althougt he looks more baddas and less like a litle bitch 

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