Episode 1

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The TARDIS landed on an arid landscape with nothing around except for a few, dead trees and a great black spaceship. The doors open.
"Ah. Appulapuchi..." cries the Doctor stepping out of the TARDIS, and straight into a tall figure wearing all black with a green alien at its side pointing a gun at him.
"Or not," whimpers the Doctor, hurriedly putting his hands up.
"Who are you?" said the figure in a gruff voice. The doctor fumbled around in his jacket for his psychic paper.
"My name is Luke Skywalker," said the doctor confidently.
"The paper's blank. And what sort of a name's Luke Skywalker?" queried his obtruder. While this was going on, the little green alien had escaped and was now running around the TARDIS console. The dark figure's manner changed from gruff and intimidating to that similar to a concerned father whose child was playing near the kitchen stove. Suddenly, the Doctor is hit hard in the head by an invisible force. The man in black fought off the invisible force as best he could until he heard their footsteps back away a bit. Just then, the Doctor sprung up and got into a battle stance.
"Into your ship!" yelled the man.
"What happened...?" asked the doctor?
"MOVE!" shouted the man, pushing the Doctor into the TARDIS.
Meanwhile, Grogu had disappeared from the TARDIS console and gone deeper into the TARDIS.
"Where is he?" shouted the man, looking concerned and holding the Doctor up by the scruff of his neck.
"I...I don't know..." replied the Doctor, flustered and waving his arms in the air, "M...Maybe he went deeper into the ship..."
"Fine!" said the man, dropping the Doctor again then walking purposefully to a door out of the console room. The Doctor sat there for a minute, rubbing his necK, then hurried to catch up with the man. He eventually caught up and they jogged down a corridor together in silence for a few minutes.
"Um...What's your name?" asked the Doctor.
"People call me the Mandalorian," replied the man.
"And your green pet?"
"His name's Grogu. I saved him from a Bounty Hunter," replied the Mandalorian.
"Cool. How did you do that?" asked the Doctor.
"Self control," said the Mandalorian.
The Doctor stopped for a second. "O...K...". They got to the end of a corridor, and ended up outside.
"How did we get here?" asked the Mandalorian.
"Now you ask the questions? What happened to "It's bigger on the inside"? Why do you think? The TARDIS is infinite, there's bound to be a garden somewhere."
"Sorry I asked," muttered the Mandalorian.
"Do you reckon he'd be in here?" asked the Doctor, panting.
"No. He likes to hide behind things. Here, there are too few trees for him to hide behind," replied the Mandalorian.
"OK. Lets keep going"
They continued down the corridor until they got to a big open space with high, arching ceilings and bookshelves full of thick, leather bound books. Some tables with high back chairs were dotted around and at the far end of the library lay a swimming pool.
"Ah! I wondered when this would turn up!" cried the Doctor.
"This is more like it," said the Mandalorian. Just then, Grogu's green face peeked out from behind a bookshelf.
"Gotcha!" exclaimed the Mandalorian as he crouched down and spread his arms wide for Grogu to run into. He lifted Grogu up and hugged him.
"Come on. I'll show you to the exit," said the Doctor, leaving the library with the Mandalorian and Grogu following close behind, "This ship can be a bit of a ma..." He stopped as he realised that they'd already arrived in the console room, "Thanks old girl," whispered the Doctor.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye," said the Mandalorian.
Grogu, waved.
"Yes," replied the Doctor, stepping out of the TARDIS, "Quite. Until next time. The universe is huge but when you have a spaceship, we're bound to meet agai..."
Just then, the doors of the TARDIS were slammed shut by an invisible force.
"No! My ship!" exclaimed the Doctor.
"RUN!" yelled the Mandalorian at the same time. They bolted towards the Mandalorian's ship, Grogu clinging onto the mandalorian and squealing "WEEEEEE!". They ran aboard the ship  as the doors shut behind them and the Doctor followed the Mandalorian through the ship to the control deck and stood behind him as he called out to the pursuers through the intercom.
"Or what," chimed in the Doctor as the Mandalorian gave him a glare.
"Are you?" asked the Mandalorian. 
"Oh hello there! I'm the Doctor, and these are my friends, Rose, Jack, Donna and River."

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