Episode 4

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    "Well, I'd better get back to my ship. We have to go back. I didn't even want to get into this odd box anyway and I have no need to stay on this planet," said the Mandalorian.
    "OK  then. I'll try to get us back to your ship," replied the 10th Doctor, "Allons-y!" said the Doctor, trying to take off. The TARDIS made a groaning sound and refused to take off.
    "What's happening?" asked the Mandalorian, "Can't you even fly this thing?"
    The Doctors both replied yes, but River replied no.
    "What do you mean, no?" asked the Doctor, hurt.
    "What do you mean yes?" replied River, "You leave the brakes on, you refuse to use the stabilizers..."
    "The blue boringers," muttered the Doctor as River gave him a glare.
    "And you know the wheezing sound she makes..." continued River.
    "Will you two pack it in? You sound like an old married couple!" chided the Mandalorian. The Doctor and River gave each other a look.
    "Well..." started the 10th Doctor.
    "Oh, great. We can't get back to my ship and I'm stuck in an impossible box with a married couple!" complained the Mandalorian.
    "Oi! Can you stop arguing for 5 minutes? I think the TARDIS is trying to tell us something. I think she wants the Mandalorian to stay with us. She must think he's important," explained Donna. The team was silent for a minute and then the Doctor went over to the TARDIS console.
    "Hey old girl," whispered the Doctor, "do me a favour and take me to where I need to be."
    "Are you lot a load of..." started the Mandalorian as the TARDIS started up. They landed on the planet Requiesce Curarum.
    "Ah! Requiesce Curarum! I've not been here in years!" said the Doctor stepping out of the TARDIS.
    "How old are you now? I was here just last week," asked the 10th Doctor as the Doctor gave him a look.
    "Is everything alright? It is looking awful quiet for a Spa planet," said Jack, looking around the lobby they were now standing in.
    "You're right. Where are all the people... or aliens," asked Rose.
    "I think you'd better come over here now," said Donna, looking through the glass doors and out onto the devastated planet outside.
    "It looks like a hurricane passed through and tore it up pretty bad," offered Jack.
    "You're right. It must have been about twenty times as big as the biggest hurricane on Earth," added the Doctor.
"But it can't have been natural. Spa planets have to meet certain intergalactic standards: for example, they can't be subject to any natural phenomena that can stop you from feeling relaxed, including hurricanes and volcanoes," explained the 10th Doctor. Suddenly, there was a buzzing laugh as a black cloud came over the hill.
"Hey. That looks like..." started Jack.
"Tempestatis," said River, remarkably calmly, considering the situation, "they are fly-like creatures that travel in flocks of up to a million and have the power to create huge winds and hurricanes."
"OK. Well how do we stop them from destroying this entire planet?" asked Rose.
"I think I can create a spatio-temporal forcefield strong enough to contain them using your gun," said the Doctor, looking at the Mandalorian, "the technology in my ship and a packet of Jammy Dodgers...OK, not really but I will need a bit of time..."
"Which we don't have!" added River.
"But I have enough time to set up a localised time stop to buy us some time," offered the 10th Doctor.
"Great! Well there's no point just standing here talking about it. Let's go back to the TARDIS and use what little time we have wisely," said Donna.They all went back into the TARDIS and the two Doctors fumbled about with the TARDIS console until, a few minutes later, there was a small pop that made the team's ears go pop because of a sudden change in pressure and a few minutes after, there was a bright light that burst out from the console.
"Ahah! I did it!" yelled the Doctor, "Now all that I need to do is pilot them back to their home planet and then we're done!" They piloted the TARDIS to the Tempestatis' home planet and dropped them off. They celebrated in the TARDIS for a bit but the Doctor couldn't stop thinking about the Daleks and whether there may be others.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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