Hey ❷

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+ | In My AU not much has changed, just Most of the Lunch club is either Dead or In Jail, or just out of contact, but its based on the Story 'When The Moon Shines Bright Enough' By @JudgementalMelon So please go read that if you wanna understand! So, Jschlatt is basically a Male Faun who had Female Thunderbird instincts + DNA injected into his system, causing him to grow Quite Big Wings that he can make huge at will, and he can also use lightning, more info on it in @JudgementalMelon 's Story, and @JudgementalMelon 's Story is based off before Schlatt joined the SMP, he soon meets an old friend, Wilbur, who he's known since before he even knew anyone else, as Wilbur knew him while he was stuck in a Hybrid testing facility (where he was experimented on, he only had *Female* Thunderbird Instincts because they assumed he was a female Faun) , him soon disappearing after the two both turned 14, as he broke out of the Facility. (FOR REAL GO CHECK OUT @JudgementalMelon ) | +

22 / 4 / 2037 - 300 HOURS - 3:00 AM

| J S C H L AT T. P O V |

He was being chased by a Demon, (what a way to start off the fanfic :D) which looked Unsettlingly familiar, he just couldn't place where he remembered them from, he screamed Out





He was soon frozen in his tracks, all his surroundings had turned black, and he forgot he was being chased, well until,




4 / 22 / 2037 - 400 HOURS - 4:38 AM

I awoke, letting out a loud guttural shriek, I was almost glad I lived alone, Almost. I was panting, my eyes frantically scanning the room for any sort of Monster, I was pretty sure I was having a panic attack, I Scrambled to grab my phone, speed dialing anyone in my 'Emotional Support' line of contacts

The phone rang and rang, to the point where I wanted to break it in half, it soon was answered, the silence being replaced by a Silky smooth voice

"Schlatt? Are you alright, Dear?"

It was Wilbur, of course it was the guy that made him have a gay panic attack every time he said a single thing about how pretty he was or how he was his 'pretty princess'.

4 / 22 / 2037 - 500 HOURS -

| W I L B U R. P O V. |

I heard Heavy breathing in the background of the call, I was genuinely concerned, was Schlatt having a panic attack..?

"Schlatt, Dear? Are you okay-?"

A hoarse response came from the other side

"N-no Wilbur- What does it s-sound like-?"

I responded Carefully

"Im sorry, Darling, But, what's bothering you to the point where you're on the brink of sobbing?"

The other side was quiet for a moment, before another shaken response


His face contorted to one of soft concern

"Hey Schlatt, Dear, Do you mind face-timing me? I wanna see your pretty face."

I could basically hear the amount of how flustered he was in his voice,

"I'm P-pretty-? Nevermind- but sure, Wilbur."

I chuckled

"You're very pretty, also, Im gonna turn on face-time, Okay Dear?"

"Mhm." Was his only response

He soon turned on face-time, being met with a red, Teary faced Ram, his ears pinned back to his head, but as soon as he saw Wilbur, his ears flung up happily, he was so happy he was the person who could make him so chipper just at the sight of Wilbur.

"H-hi Wilbur.."

He said shakily, I smiled softly

"Hello, My pretty Princess."

I immediately saw his face grow red, he buried his face in the palms of his hands, I smiled kindly and laughed quietly

"S-stop C-callin' me c-cute, Wilbur.."

"Hah! Never! You will always be The prettiest Guy I've Ever seen and you cannot deny it!"


I just chuckled "Okay, Okay, But I still get to call you my Pretty Princess!"

"Hmph, I'm hanging up."

"Alright, Jay, Be careful! I love you, Bye!"


he hung up snickering, he really had made Schlatt blush now

                                                           | E N D. |

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