Chapter 1:

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Draculaura's giggles rang out through the library, and you looked up from your spot behind the computer to see what was so funny. Nothing interested you, and you turned your head away from her again.

Another laugh reached your ears, and you spotted Clawd chuckling into Draculaura's shoulder.

"That's enough for today." You whispered, and you logged out of the computer before collecting your things and throwing your bookbag over your shoulder.

Giving one more glance to Clawd and Draculaura, you cleared your throat and shook your head. They were the 'cutest couple' in the school, but that didn't stop you from gagging after almost every sight with them together.

Your eyes locked with Draculaura's, and she gave you a sweet grin. You returned her grin with an awkward smile of your own. Then, you stalked out of the library.

Draculaura's whispers reached your ears, though you didn't try to make out what was being said. Instead, you allowed the fear of mockery to enter your throat, and you swallowed it down.

It was time to leave school anyway.

Most students had already left, and your eyes flickered back to the library doors. What were Clawd and Draculaura doing in the library anyway? They didn't least you thought they didn't. And weren't they usually with their group?

Oh well. It didn't concern you, and it wasn't any of your business to begin with.

"(Y/N), wait up!" You turned your head, and your eyes locked with Twyla.

She ran down the steps quickly, her blue hair flying behind her as she jogged to keep up with you. You smiled at her and slowed your pace. Sure, you and Twyla weren't close friends, but you knew each other, and that was all that mattered.

"Did you see Mr. Hackington's lesson today?" She asked, her lips fading into a small smile as she remembered the scenario.

You had almost never seen her smile. "No, I didn't see it."

"He accidentally threw one of his knives at the door right as Headmistress Bloodgood walked in the room!"

You chuckled, trying your hardest to picture the image in your head. You came up short, and instead just decided to laugh along with her. Twyla turned to you, a soft blush on her cheek. You raised an eyebrow at her.

"What?" You smiled.

"Thank you for being my friend." She mumbled.

You blushed a deeper shade of red than she did and giggled. "Of course!"

She continued walking beside you as you made your way past the school gates and down the concrete path. Twyla didn't say much, but she walked close beside you, almost as if she were afraid of the dark woods.

Even though you had been attending Monster High for a while, you were still human, and you were still scared of the dark. So when Twyla scooted even closer, you didn't say anything, and instead took comfort in her presence.

"There's this new fangtastic café." She mumbled. "I heard Howleen talking about it earlier."

"Is it any good?" You asked.

"I don't know, I've never been there."

"What's it called?" You pulled out your iCoffin in hopes of getting the reviews of the place.

"Oh, I don't know that either. But she showed me what it looked like! So maybe if we looked for it we could find it." She said.

You nodded. "It's a Friday, so why not?"

Manipulation ((Yandere Draculaura x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now