Chapter 27:

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It was day 2 of no contact, and Draculaura was sure she was going to die of heartbreak. She hadn't moved from her bed since you sent her home, and Dracula was beginning to worry about her.

Draculaura sniffled and sobbed, knowing that she was the reason for you ignoring her. She cried harder as she imagined all the things you two could have been doing instead. She was utterly heartbroken, and couldn't bare to handle it much longer. She thought if she couldn't have you, then why be alive at all?

But she stopped herself quickly with that thought and wiped away a tear rolling down her face. Then, she wiped her nose with her sleeve. It was only a few days, she could handle it. But the reality was that she couldn't handle it, and the simple idea was enough to send her spiraling back down a well of grief and stress.

Meanwhile, you watched as Twyla painted your toenails. She had done a good job of waking you up and helping you gather your shower things. She also helped cook you breakfast. Then, she did your makeup and hair. The only thing left was to paint your nails and you would be all pampered up.

She stroked the brush on the last toenail and smiled at you. "What do you think?"

The (F/C) popped against your skin tone, shining brightly for you to admire. You smiled widely and held back tears. It felt good to be able to get pretty. It felt good to be able to think of yourself as beautiful.

"I-I like it." You bit your lip. "But why am I all dressed up?"

"I figured we could go out today?" Twyla offered.

You shrunk back. "I don't think that's a good idea." You stammered. "I think we-we should stay right here."

"No, no. Come on, (Y/N). It'll be healthy for you. We're trying to make you feel better. We're trying to heal you."

You thought for a second. Would it really help like Twyla said it would? Was she being honest? Was she trying to set you up? You didn't know, and your newfound distrust for people didn't help you any.

"Okay...fine." you sighed. "I'll go out. But only for a bit. Then can we come back?"

"Of course." She grinned widely. "You know I would never keep you out against your will. I'm not Draculaura." She joked.

You stifled a laugh. "Where are we going?"

You stood and followed Twyla to put on your shoes. "I figured we'd start off easy and go to the diner." She mumbled.

You nodded. "Okay."

Draculaura grinned on the other end of the voice recorder. She couldn't believe it! She would get to see you!

Draculaura scrambled and threw on some clothes, trying to keep up with what you were saying as she did so. The diner was your favorite place to eat, and she couldn't wait to surprise you there. Surely you'd be excited to see her?

She threw on a pair of shoes and ran down the stairs. "Daddy!" She called. "I need to go to Marge's Diner!"

"For what?" He asked. "That's nasty, greasy food."

"I'm meeting (Y/N) there." She answered with a simple shrug of her shoulders.

Dracula sighed and snapped his fingers. A driver ran into the room with his head bowed.

"Come on." Instructed Draculaura, and she led the man out to the vehicle.

They drove to Marge's Diner without sharing a single word. The driver was too terrified of Draculaura, seeing how she drank your blood without a care in the world. He definitely didn't want to be next, so he kept his eyes on the road and his ears in the music that played over the speakers.

Draculaura couldn't wait to see you.

You and Twyla sat opposite of eachother as you drank your milkshakes. She kept quiet and only focused on talking to you when you were ready to talk. She didn't want to force you out of your comfort zone. She knew how special that comfort zone was to you.

Your eyes flicked from Twyla to the table, and when the chime of bells on the door reached your ears, you turned to see who was entering the diner. Your face drained of all color, and you stared as Draculaura wade her way to sit at the table behind Twyla. She held eye contact, not letting you win the battle that your eyes fought.

You didn't say a word as you carefully lifted your shake, drank the last little bit, and stood. Twyla followed.

"What?" She asked, confusion on her face. "What's going on?"

You motioned to behind Twyla where Draculaura sat. She turned and gave Draculaura an awkward smile before looking back at you.

"Let's leave." She stated.

You nodded in agreement and hastily grabbed your things. Then, you and Twyla ran from the diner and to her car.

You jumped in and allowed Twyla to drive, all while listening to the pings of your phone notifications.

You glanced down at the screen. It lit up at the motion, showing you the display of notifications that Draculaura had given you.

I saw you
You can't run the entire time
We have to talk it out eventually
Where are you going?
Can I come too?
I miss you
When will we be friends again?
It's getting lonely without you
I love you

You put your phone on silent and sat it screen down. She was being way to clingy for your comfort. Twyla sent you a questioning glance.

" just messaging me. Asking when we can hang out again and stuff." You pulled on the collar of your shirt, the sudden claustrophobia hitting you like a brick wall. You felt choked from reading the messages she had sent.

"That ghoul is seriously damaged in the head." Twyla scoffed.

You nodded in agreement. "She really, really is."

Manipulation ((Yandere Draculaura x F. Reader))Where stories live. Discover now