My baby

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A while later at work 

" Fuck..."

* knock knock * 

" Come in.. "

" Hey? "

" Taron? what are you doing here? " 

" You left me doll in bed. " 

" You could have called me. I'm at work you silly. "

" I could've but I didnt want to. "

" Kiss me baby I want you to kiss me." 

Then Taron starts kissing you.

The next day 

You wake up realizing you got back with Taron. Taron went home with you after work and you both cuddled together. You  then go to open the door to the porch of your room.

" * deep breath * wonderful." You then hear Taron.

" * Growns * "

" hm You still tired? " You ask him.

" Yea I haven't slept for a while."

" I'm sorry." You say as you walk to the bed to sit next to Taron.

" Hey it's okay I'm here now. "

" Yeah.." You then put Tarons head on your chest.

" Mhmm. warm." Taron says.

" * Giggle * its supposed to be warm silly. "

Taron then slowly cuddles up to you. 

" Cwtch? " ( Cwtch is a word in welsh meaning to cuddle or hug someone ) 

" Of course. "

You and Taron then cuddle for a little longer before you both head off to different places.

At work 

You end up just interviewing some people and it's time to head home but before you head out you rest your head for a minute but turns out it wasn't just a minute.

3rd person view  

Taron looks at the clock as it hits 10:00. You are 30 minutes late. Taron is freaking out and gets worried and calls Emily and Lily because they always know where you are. 

* Ring *

* Ring *

" Hello? " Emily says sleepy 

" Y/n hasnt come home! " 

" Check the club she some * Yawns * times stays after hours. "

Taron then grabs his car keys undercover so nobody knows who he is and drives to your work. Taron sees all the lights on and heads to your office and sees you asleep.

" Y/n." Taron says shaking you lightly.

" mhhmm..." You mumble.

" Y/n get up." 

You then shake up.

" w-what are you doing here? " You ask sleepy.

" Look at the time. "

" AH oh shit i'm so sorry I told myself only a minute dame! "

" Its okay just lock up and i'll see you outside okay? "

I know the chapter is short but im busy and wanted to give everyone something 

Roller Coaster Of A Rocketman ( Taron Egerton Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now