(Book One - Equivalence) - 1.1.0 Prologue

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Bath, UK, Earth, June 2008.

It was a rainy Tuesday in June when Middy first met the young girl destined to destroy this world.

He hurried down the busy summer street, dodging past feet and puddles, moving unnoticed among the humans. To everyone in this world, he appeared to be nothing more than a tiny kitten, with blue-grey fur, bright copper eyes, and adorable little pointed ears. A matte black collar, with a silver name tag pendant, hung from his neck.

Yes, Middy admitted, the ears were adorable, this whole new look was adorable and the Talloways would be crazy not to take him in. That was the most important part of the plan after all.

He was nervous now. Butterflies fought each other in his belly. His fur was uncomfortably soaked though. The plan had to work. The stakes were too high for them not to.

Dodging from shadow to shadow, Middy made his way down the pavement and until he reached a junction. He quickly glanced up at the sign saying "Henrietta Street" and the sign for "St. Johns Street" going the other way. Good. He had found the right place. This was the road, and there was the eponymous St. John's Church at the end.

A tall man rounded the corner and did a slight double glance back. Was that kitten reading the sign? Middy lifted his blue-grey tail and leapt effortlessly up to a tall wooden fence. Normal cat behaviour. Nothing to see here. The man shook his head and carried on.

Number 64 Henrietta Street was a perfectly standard middle of the terrace house. With its neat brick exterior and overgrown collection of plant pots surrounding the front door and it was the sort of house that could be located anywhere and be home to anyone. Leaping across to the garden wall, and heading round to the back of the house, Middy spotted indicators of the occupants, a shiny new swing set, a selection of toy animals visible through a window, and three bikes leaning against a wall, two adults and one children's with training wheels still attached.

The rain had eased up now, from torrential downpour to drizzle, the sky clearing to a brilliant summertime blue. Middy sat atop the garden wall flicking his tail and waited. And waited. His fur slowly dried, as the garden was filled with weak rays of sunshine.

Just as Middy was about to move, and scope out the front of the house, the backdoor opened. A young girl in a slightly too big purple raincoat pushed her way out and ran excitedly over to the damp swing.

Finally, Middy got a look at his new ward.

So, here was the girl who had got the Guardians so worried. Middy's first thought was that she did not look like much. An average 6-year-old, light brown skin, dark hair escaping from her messy pigtails, a bandage wrapped around her head just above her hazel eyes, red and white polka dot rain boots flashing as she swung.

The door opened again, and two adults headed outside. They stood close together, smiling at their swinging daughter. The mother had the same dark, hair, and a small, narrow nose. The father, dressed in a long black coat was very tall and fair.

There was nothing seemingly of interest or out of the ordinary about this family.

Middy obviously knew differently.

The Harmonizer had provided him with some very troubling details about the girl. Violet Olivia Talloway, the Guardians had noticed, was showing all the signs. Multiple spikes had been detected.

Last week, Violet had run straight into a solid school wall, earning a visit to A & E, a trip to the opticians and a meeting with the headteacher and school counsellor, who had assured Mr and Mrs Talloway the school would be carefully monitoring their daughter. Henrietta Primary School would now not be the only ones monitoring Violet.

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