Ross x Reader

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happy Easter everyone!
Check out my new one-shot book and I'll love you forever.
grammar school au, short, but preparing you guys for the totally angsty I-am-crying-as-i-write-this one next.
tw: blood, violence, bullying
534 words.
I flatten my dark blue blazer as I prepare myself for another day at school. Well, not school. Hell.
I go to a grammar school. Yes. I'm clever. And I hold myself back, or they'll call me a nerd. Then I'll be done for.
I go to the mirror, to big myself up before I face them, and I see the damage from yesterday. Bruises, a bit of dried blood. I curse under my breath, find a wet towel to clean my face before I rush through my make up bag to find the concealer. Happy with my now bruiseless face, I sling my bag over my shoulder and set off for school.

They never seem to get me in the mornings. They're mostly too late to start their "work" on me. So it sit in the dingy form room, reading and listening to music. Blocking out the world.
I have no friends. People are nice to me mostly - well, apart from them - but no one is my friend. There's someone who tries, though their friends are very much with the bullies. I can tell he doesn't like that. He tries to get them to stop, but they never listen.
He's really sweet, and not bad looking. He always looks forlorn when he sees me alone in classes, and happy when I smile at his attempts to befriend me. His name is Ross Hornby.

I breeze through my classes, the work simple and easy, I get to lunch, and then they find me. Flinching as they surround me, I try not to be scared. It only makes matters worse.
They push my things to the ground before me, the contents of my bag scattering around the corridor and I brace myself for the pain that is about to come. They hit me, hard, and multiple times, until it stops - blood running out of my nose and my lip split, my head spinning at the pain. Just as I think it's over, that they've moved on, I get kicked in the stomach. Winded, I expect more, but none come. I hear a shout, and the sound of retreating footsteps. I pull myself up against the wall, my eyes closed.
And when I open them, I see something - well, someone - unexpected.
Ross Hornby.
He curses, looking at me like he's never seen blood before he speaks.
"I never thought they actually hit you, (Y/N)! Shit, are you alright?" He says, sounding astonished and scared.
"I'm fine. Nothing I can't handle." I mumble, wiping my nose on the back of my hand and looking up at Ross. He's a good foot taller than me, and his eyes are so full of emotion I can't look away.
He pulls out a clean tissue and walks closer to me, wiping my face clean gently and softly.
It was nice, I suppose. I've never been cared for after this happens.
"I can't take this anymore." I whisper, a tear falling down my cheek. I almost thought he couldn't hear me, until he envelopes me into a warm hug. I sob into his blazer and he kisses my forehead.
"It's okay," he breathes. "I won't let anyone hurt you now."

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