23 ramdan 2021

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Today is 23th of ramadan 2021, I really wanna share with you that...

So here we go!


No where, just kidding so here i am, and I wanted to share this hadiths that is really benefiting, if anyone saw this than please tell other this hadiths too.

Because the much you share that much reward you get if that other person apply it.

Cool right😎

Look how Merciful Allah is when you didn't even do good deed yet if others does it because of you, you still get reward.

So let the the star hadith I been telling till now is...

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh...

"Subhaanallaahi wa bihamdihi".

Such simple words and trust me it takes just less than two minutes or maybe more for those who read it slow but not more than 3 minutes...

Anyway, do you know how dearest this diker is to Allah.

To all muslim believing brothers and sisters, do you know if you say any diker in its month and its reward will be multiple into ten, so guess what? how much will be reward of this special diker in this most Merciful month especially let's not forget this special night of last 10 days of ramadan, which is like most special and last Merciful day.

So please brother and sister don't waste your even single seconds of last 10 days over Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat taking excuses, "oh I am tired" or "I am just checking media for few seconds".

Your this litte seconds in remembrance of Allah could free you from hellfire...

Do you know our prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), who even forgive his enemies cursed people who wasn't forgiven on this month of forgiveness, so don waste time and run to pray, admit your sin, be guilty and trust him that he will In Sha Allah forgive your sin because...

No matter what your sin can't be bigger than Allah's Mercy, so seek his mercy and his forgiveness.

In sha Allah

May Allah forgive us all in this most Merciful month, ameen and protect all those muslim who are suffering, ameen.

So that it for today, till than see you tomorrow...


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