Chapter 1 : new girl

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Iris' pov

I woke up from my midday nap and saw Elizabeth standing above me, she looked very angry and that's when I realised I had druid training at 4 pm. I looked at my alarmclock and saw that it already was 7 pm....

"Why were you sleeping iris you know that the druid trainings are very important for your own safety and the safety of Jorvik"

"I know Elizabeth. I just thought that one little nap wasn't so bad"
Elizabeth looked at me still angry and with fire in her eyes.

"Okay well this is the first time and last time that you missed one training. Please come to the main building so we can eat dinner and discuss our situation with the darkriders"

"Okay I'll be there in just a second."

While Elizabeth was leaving my little home I was thinking that I've never seen her that angry before, something must be happening that is stressing her out.

As I walked in the dining room of the main building I saw that everyone had a serious face on.

"Please sit down Iris" Fripp said.

I asked them what the matter was why they were all so serious in all of a sudden.

Fripp said that it was about the darkriders, that they know of our plans and are starting to create a machine that will lure all darkness in Jorvik and make it into a power that is much more powerful than ours.

It can infect one animal just by touching it one time, and if that darkness spreads all animals and human will turn into slaves without their souls.

I couldn't believe what Fripp just said.

I knew that they were onto something but didn't expect it to be this evil.

Alex and Elizabeth were talking about plans how we can break into their hideout and destroy their plans and books and theories.

Fripp said that we first need to keep our focus on our own power and becoming better at using it and protecting others.

After everyone finished dinner and before leaving the building Fripp had one more thing to say. "Dont worry guys they're not far in making or creating the machine, it's just something I saw in the future. But we must use it as an advantage."

After everybody wished eachother a goodnight and headed to their houses I stopped by the river to sit down and just have a relaxing moment to think and let my thoughts roam free.

Darko's pov
"Master our spie has gotten some more information for you." Elise said when she came in my office.

"Okay bring the letter in" I said.

My spie roams around Jorvik to steal information about the druids and their little nasty plans.

I opened the letter and read that it was about the new druid that has been in Jorvik now for a while and that she is training to become one of the best druids that has ever existed.

It aslo said that they know about our big masterplan and that they've already made plans to ruin it.

Those imbecils...

I have to know what plans they've made to ruin us all.

But how... how could I.... oh wait I know just the thing.


Katja came running in my office.

"I'm right here sir, what's the matter?"

"I need you to get some dark riders ride up to the druids base and find that new druid."

"Bring her to me... still alive please."

"Alright sir"

Katja ran out of my office.

I leaned back in my chair thinking what we could do to that new girl to make her say all of their secrets and plans to us.

Now I was hoping that they will succeed in kidnapping her without getting caught.

Iris' pov
The next morning my back was hurting like hell and the air smelled like plants.

I woke up realising that I fell asleep right next to the Silversongriver in Hollow woods.

I went to my house to take a nice fresh shower to start the day on a better way.

After I was done putting my clothes on I went to the main building to eat some breakfast with the rest.

Nobody was really talking and if they were it was just a small talk.

I was done with eating breakfast and immediately left the building to go to the horses and do a small trailride with Latika.

She is my favorite horse from our stable and we just have a good connection with eachother.

After a while it started getting very misty in the woods and raining.

I noticed that Latika was acting strange, I just thought she didn't like the fog and thunder sound around us.

I decided it would be best to head back but then I heard a strange sound from far away.

It sounded like a bunch of horses galloping towards me but the sound was very slow and heavy.

"Hey you...stop!"

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes.

There were 3 dark riders behind me and I knew I had to get back to Elizabeth and the rest as fast as I could...

A/N: so hey this is my first book and my first chapter I didn't really have any inspiration for the beginning of my story so it kinda sucks and is small. My english is also not the best cuz its not my first language. I will update this story much more soon cause I've got way more ideas. So please wait cuz there is more stuff comingg :)

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