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y/n was deep deep asleep. that's when her mom woke her up.

eomma: y/n sweetie wake up we're almost there. y/n ( shake's y/n a little).
y/n: I'm awake what what happened are we there?? 🧐🤨
eomma: no not yet sweetie just wait only 30 minutes we'll be there.
y/n "i looked around me there were no house only tree's. okay threes. WAit what only tree's are we going to Life in a jungle 🧐🤨🤨. something is wrong are we in the wrong direction."
y/n: eomma are we going in the right direction there are only tree's it's freaking me out are u sure it's safe.
eomma: don't worry we'll be there soon ur new father is a rich person this whole place is his. don't worry stay calm were almost there.
y/n: ok eomma. 🙃 " still i feel a little bit uncomfortable idk why".
y/n was a little bit uncomfortable but she didn't show it on her face because her mom would be sad. she didn't want to ruin her mom best moment. after so many years she found someone that loves her. after a while of thinking and being uncomfortable they reached at their destination. when y/n saw the view her mouth hung open.

when the car stopped they stepped out

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when the car stopped they stepped out. she couldn't believe her eyes
eomma: close ur mouth dear or else a fly might go in😆.
y/n: (she closed her mouth) mom are you sure we're at the right place. u told me my stepdad is rich but i didn't expect this.😶😍.
eomma: u didn't like it.
y/n: i-
just when y/n was about to talk the maid's interrupted them.
maid's: welcome home miss Lee.(bowed).
eomma: thank u for welcoming us.
y/n: (bowed) thank you mam.
maid's: young miss don't call me mam.
y/n: i-
when she was about to talk someone interrupted her again.
y/n: 😤😡 ( they keep interrupting me. u freaking a/n how dare u. 2 times literally 2 times people disturbed me while I was about to talk. i will kill u, little-
a/n: hey hey don't blame me it's their mouth they can talk whenever they want. not my problem.
y/n: u also dare to cut me when I'm speaking. i will-
a/n: I know I know you will kill me but first let's see who called you the readers also want to know. let's get back to the story you can kill me later 🙈😁. )
y/n turned around to see who called them. then she saw a man he looked not so old maybe between 40 and 50 year's old.
???: welcome dear ( he went to your mom and kissed her forehead).
eomma: thanks dear. this is min- nope our daughter y/n.
y/n: hello sir ( bowed).
appa: don't call me sir it sounds weird hearing my daughter calling me sir call me dad/appa.
y/n: ok a-appa.
appa: that's much better.
( he comes and hugs you, you felt kinda safe in his embrace u missed a dad loves so much that u began to cry.)
appa: omo why are u crying did i said something wrong. ( he panicked ).
y/n: n-no it's not that a-appa. after such a long- "no y/n don't say it he will not like it " nothing appa.
appa: i know already you don't have to hide it. i know u didn't felt a father love for a long time. don't worry i will love you just like a real father. trust me
y/n: (nods).
eomma: don't cry honey u will have a new life in this big mansion. 😆
y/n: y-yes eomma I'm gonna be happy and have a new life with my mom and dad.
eomma: where are our son's.
appa: oh i forgot too say. they will be home next week they had a important work too do.
eomma: okay🙂
y/n: brothers?
eomma: oops i didn't told u. u will have brothers. older brothers.
y/n: how many?🧐
appa: there are 7 of them
y/n: " 7!!!! " o-okay.
eomma: let's go inside my feet are getting cramps by standing for so long.
appa: oh yeah ofc come inside. this is our house from now on.

ok armys today i wrote this part i hope that i can write a part tomorrow. also a happy mother's day 👩‍👧. have a good night/day/ life. i purple u guys 💜😘

(y/n x BTS ot7 ff) MY BULLIES ARE MY STEPBROTHERSWhere stories live. Discover now