Memories 11

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Previously on the memories...

"Lucky you pay attention in herbology Hermione" said Harry breathing heavily.

"Yeah!" Said Ron, "and lucky Harry doesn't lose his head in a crisis...'there's no wood', honestly."

Sirius snorted, which caused James to snicker, and Remus covered his laugh with a cough.

Lily and Tonks rolled their eyes at their husbands.

"This way." Said Harry as he pointed down a stone passageway.

Everyone turned to look at Harry who had been comforting his wife, "okay...I know that may have been, violent? But I'm okay and nothing to worry about."

Ginny turned to Harry very calmly but fire was dancing in her eyes, "Nothing to worry about? Harry James Potter! You were nearly killed!"

Harry winced when everyone around him nodded in agreement, "okay I'll admit it was bad but I'm fine now."

Everyone rolled their eyes at him, "since we are already here, we might as well continue with the first year memories." Said Ron trying to take the attention off of Harry.

Harry smiled gratefully at Ron while everyone eventually and reluctantly agreed to watch the rest of the memories.

"Okay ready?" Asked Harry as they all plunged into the memory.

As they made their way down the passageway they all grew increasingly nervous.

"Can you hear something?" Ron whispered.

Harry and Hermione nodded, it sounded like rustling and clinking.

"Do you think it's a ghost?" Harry turned to Ron, " sounds like wings to me."

Ginny shook her head fondly,"Of course you would know that Harry."

Harry just smirked at her causing everyone to let out smiles.

They reached the end of the passageway and saw what was in the room, the room was full of keys with wings flying around.

Harry looked around the chamber and brightened up, "I got it! Broomsticks! We've got to catch the key that opens the door."

"But there's hundred of them!"

Ron looked at the door and studied the lock, "I think we are looking for a big old fashioned one..."

Arthur clapped his son on the back proudly while the twins were shouting about how proud they were of their little roniekins.

Ron grumbled at the them while smiling at his father.

They all took a broom and kicked off into the air, they all grabbed at the keys which were almost too fast to catch.

Harry on the other hand, wasn't youngest seeker in a century for nothing and spotted a large silver key with a bent wing.

"That one!" He shouted at the others, "the big! Not there! The one with crumpled wings."

Ron went speeding in the direction Harry was pointing and crashed into the ceiling almost falling off his broom in the process.

Molly suppressed a shriek.

"Were you alright dear?" Asked Lily.

Ron nodded, "I was fine Mrs. Potter, thank you."

"We've got to close in on it! Shouted Harry, while not taking his eyes off the key in case it moved. "Ron come at it from above, and Hermione...stay below and I'll try to catch it on three!"



Everyone leaned foreword in anticipation except Ron Hermione and Harry.


Ron dived down, while Hermione shot up. It sped towards the wall, Harry reached forewarn and caught it

Everyone cheered as Harry Caught the key.

They landed their brooms and Harry walked towards the door with the key struggling in his hand.

He rammed the key into the door and unlocked the door, with a bated breath he turned towards his friends.

"Ready?" He asked, his hand on the handle as they nodded he pulled the door open.

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