Act I - The Trial

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"All rise," the Wizengamot bailiff announced. "The Wizengamot Court of Second Wizarding War Crimes is now in session, the Honorable Judge Catiero presiding."

Judge Catiero was a tall man, whose domineering presence caused Malfoy to visibly shrink back into his chair. Harry and Hermione had taken seats at the back of the otherwise empty courtroom to watch the proceedings. Neither was sure if Malfoy had seen them come in. Harry and Hermione, as well as the panel of Warlocks, took their seats.

Catiero spoke. "Bailiff, if you please." He sounded bored, like he had been doing this all day. Then again, Harry realized, he probably had.

"Wizengamot Court of Second Wizarding War Crimes Docket Number 28, entitled Wizarding World versus Draco Malfoy now comes for hearing on this day, the 18th of May, 1998."

"Would the defendant please rise?" Catiero asked, and Malfoy shakily got to his feet. It was a weird cognitive dissonance to see him this way, unsure and vulnerable.

"Are you the defendant in this case?"

"Yes, sir." Malfoy spoke quietly, but his voice filled the domed chamber all the same.

"Please state your full name and age for the record."

Malfoy cleared his throat, straightened his back, and lifted his chin. There's the Malfoy we all know and love, Harry thought wryly.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy, 17 years old."

"You are charged with war crimes throughout the course of the Second Wizarding War," Catiero said. "How do you plead?"

The old arrogant Malfoy was gone as quickly as he had come, once again becoming the shell of a boy he had been before. Harry could see him debating his options.

"Not guilty," he said, more to the floor than anything else.

Harry quietly suppressed a smirk. He should have known Malfoy wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Thank you, Mister Malfoy. Will the def–" Catiero paused and looked around the room. He turned to the Warlock on his right and murmured something in her ear. She shook her head, and the Judge turned back to the room, addressing Malfoy again. "Mister Malfoy, do you have a solicitor?"

Malfoy shook his head. "No, sir." Harry frowned. No solicitor? What was Malfoy playing at?

"Did you request one from the state?"

"No, sir. I'll be representing myself." What the fuck, Malfoy? What happened to not going down without a fight?

Catiero once again turned to the Warlock on his right and whispered to her. This time she nodded. Catiero hesitated but eventually acquiesced.

"Very well. Warlocks, your duty today is to listen carefully to the evidence and arguments which are presented in this case and fulfill your duty to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty, and the degree of guilt or innocence, based only on that evidence." Catiero paused and looked at Malfoy. "Do you have a statement?"

Malfoy froze. "No, sir. I mean..." he sighed. "I'm not going to pretend that I didn't do some... questionable things. But I don't think any of them could truly be classified as a war crime."

Harry turned to Hermione and shot her a questioning look. Weren't many of the things he did the definition of a war crime?

Hermione frowned and thought for a moment before leaning in and whispering, "accessory by coercion."

Right. He could claim coercion. And it would be true. Harry thought back to that night on the tower. "I haven't got any options... He'll kill me... He'll kill my family... I've got no choice"

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