Act II - Repercussions

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Harry couldn't shake the kiss from his mind as he Apparated back to Grimmauld Place. No matter how hard he tried.

It had been different. Different than any kiss he'd ever had with Ginny. Of course it was different, he told himself. It was Malfoy.

No. It was Draco.

Harry tried to reconcile this knowledge in his head. The logical side of him, the side that sounded a bit like Hermione, told him to list the things he knew and the things he didn't. The other, more impulsive side, the side that was completely and entirely himself, told him to find Malfoy and kiss him again.

Hermione was usually right.

So Harry sat down and started a list.

Things I know:

Draco kissed me

I liked it

His lips are soft

He tastes like oranges

Harry shook his head. Hermione usually said to write down all of the facts you have, but Harry wasn't sure how knowing Draco tasted like oranges would help him. He decided to move on.

Things I don't know:

Does Draco like me?

Do I like him?

What does it mean if I do?

Am I gay?

Harry thought about it, and added one more question to his list. It was one word, but possibly the most important of them all.


He and Ginny were technically still broken up. Harry hadn't seen her since the war ended. He wondered if that was why he hadn't been by The Burrow. Whether he was intentionally putting off a conversation with Ginny about the status of their relationship.

He decided it didn't matter. He had bigger issues to worry about.

He did love and care for Ginny, and it couldn't be platonic. It couldn't. But maybe it was.

Even if it wasn't, he had to ask himself, would they both be able to be fully with each other? Given the grief that they were both going through, he couldn't help but think that a romantic relationship would be counterproductive for both of them.

And then he thought back to Draco. If he broke up with Ginny, would he want a relationship with Draco immediately? Or would he wait until the break up wasn't so fresh?

That is, assuming if Draco even wanted a relationship.

And what did this make him? Was he gay? Could he be? He thought back. Bill, Cedric, Draco. The pattern was definitely there. But no, he really had liked Ginny. Then it clicked. He could like both guys and girls.

This information opened a whole new door. Bisexual, then. He scratched Am I gay? off the list, and returned to the more pressing questions.

He went in circles about Draco and Ginny. He was kicking himself for being logical for once. He could be kissing Draco right now.

If he even wants that, he reminded himself.

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