Chapter 12

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One month later.

POV Jordan

"Fuck where is he?!" I whisper to myself while trying to finish my makeup. I check my phone.

1 Text message from: Bae
Hey cutie. I'll be there in 10. :*

Im so glad he texted. Me and Shane had a date tonight. But lately he has been acting a little... iffy. You know?

Since that day Shane spent the night over. We are kind of a "thing". Which would of seemed great a month ago. Until he started to hang out with the popular crowd.

Like... ALOT has changed. Okay... maybe some of it is my fault. One night we watched the movie Geek Charming on Disney and I got me thinking. Look ill give you the list of things I changed!

1. We bought him contacts. Then he could stop wearing glasses.

2. Took him shopping. He kind of has this Harry Styles kind of look going on.

And after that girls are all over him. And guys wanna be him.

He goes to parties and drinks and does drugs now. Well I found out when him and Devon we're cool with eachother they smoked weed but now I mean like hardcore drugs are his thing now... and I worry about him. He kind of acts like its not a big deal. He acts like a ass and sometimes I feel like im not the only girl... That shy guy just disappeared one day. He is kind of cocky now. I mean, I still like him but he isn't the guy I fell head over heels for.


I sit on the couch and wait....

And wait.

Anddddd waittttt.

1 hour later

When he texted me "be there in 10" did he mean minutes or hours? I look at my phone just sigh in sadness. At this point I wish I could call Devon and see if he could come over. But we aren't talking anymore. Usually are fights last a day. This time it's serious. It's been almost TWO MONTHS! Usually I'll say "hi" to him in the hallway, then we act like nothing ever happend and everything is okay. But now he just walks past. I even tried calling one night but all I heard was...

Phone call

Ringggg. Ringggg. *answered*

Me: Hello?

Devon: *girl moans and heavy breath*

I hung up and cried. That was the last time I tried.


I get up and open the door. Its Shane. Once again he comes to my house drunk. That's the third time this week.

"You ready to go babe?" He slurs his words. He comes in and falls against me.

"Babe. Stop. You need to lay down" I say pulling him to the couch. He pulls away.

"No. I wanna go and have some fun. Come on baby." He says while tugging on my skirt.

"Stop Shane. You need to lay down and drink some water." I pull his arm and he pulls is arm away while it hits my face. It starts to sting. I grab onto my face. I could feel it swelling up. I look at him with anger.

"Maybe you will listen next time." He says while stumbling away. Grabbing onto his shirt collar pull him back and look him in the eye. "Bitch." He says, then spits on my floor. Then I lost my mind. I tried punching his jaw but the target was his nose. (I honestly have bad aim.) I watch him fall to the floor.

I grabbing his heavy unconscious arms. I draggred him to the door. I open the door and see a group of his friends in his car.

I pull his body outside, dragged him down the 2 stairs and pull his body onto the grass.

I wave to them to get their attention. "Hey! Come get your friend! I punched him! So yeahhhhhh! DRIVE SAFE!" I yell and walk back into the house.

Walk to the kitchen, grab some frozen peas. I put them on my face. I'm afraid to look at my face. So I just plop my ass on the couch. Turn the channel and say to myself. " Fuck my life."

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