I wont leave you

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Grif goes Away on a mission and comes back to Simmons being extremely Clingy
Grif had been away for about a month on a mission with Gold team not by his choice he expected to see Simmons the moment he got back but he wasn't there so Grif just headed to his room since it was pretty late already he found Simmons curled up on his bed in one of his sweaters curled up in a ball He grinned walking over to his sleeping boyfriend "Simmons wake up" Grif whispered Simmons sturred "Grif?" Simmons asked half tired "I'm back" Grif smiled "out of armor want cuddles" Simmons pouts "okay let me change then we can cuddle" Grif smiled slightly Simmons barely showed physical affection but he was tired and Grif had been gone for awhile so he quickly showered and changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt pulling his hair into a ponytail and went back to the bed where Simmons was already asleep again Grif slid into bed beside Simmons and pulled the blanket over them when Simmons curled up to his Chest "You really missed me?" Grif asks "Your never allowed to leave for that long again!" Simmons whined clinging onto him "You know I don't get that choice" Grif smiled slightly "I don't care your not leaving me!" Simmons whined tearing up "Hey hey calm down I'm not going anywhere" Grif says sitting up and pulling Simmons into his lap slowly running his fingers through his hair "I won't leave you" Grif says softly knowing the wrong words could set him off Simmons clung to him like a Koala to a tree "I missed you" Simmons mumbled "I missed you to how about you take the day off and we spend all of tomorrow together?" Grif asks Simmons just nodded before falling asleep on Grif.

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