Lauren had made Miles’ favorite: Pepperoni Pizza. It was a quiet eating, when all the sudden, there was a sound like a gun-shot, and the lights went out. Miles had grabbed his pocket torch, and turned it on. He shined it toward the direction where his mom was supposed to be. She wasn’t there, or anywhere to be found. Miles had stumbled over to the light switch, and flicked it on. Nearly jumping out of his skin, Miles was startled by the corpse of his mother lying on the floor. Her eyes and mouth were stitched shut. The stitching continued around her neck and down her arms. Miles then noticed the strings that were ascending from the ceiling, all the way down to every last joint of Lauren’s. Miles’ voice had gone out, otherwise he would’ve screamed; the lights went out. Miles was on the cold hard ground within seconds, breathing ever so slightly, so that whatever was in the room, wouldn’t sense him.