Valerian arc.....

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Part 1 - The beginning of the end

There I lay in a pool of my own blood reminiscing about what led up to this moment..... They called themselves The Council of Thirteen... We slaughtered thirteen Atyrma, the witch queen of curses, obliterated by her own curse and naivety. Twelve Kresal, Lord of vile plagues, impaled and devoured by his own vile blade. Then came the council of liches three extremely powerful liches and one Dracolich of unparalleled power in a clash of power that left the whole plagueweald wiped clean of everything and with there defeat and the taming of their souls and phylacteries at our disposal we left to hit there main hideout....
But what we witnessed when we came there was what some call a bloodfeast when we heard the screams and tearing of flesh from bone we ran to meet the danger but what we witnessed atrocity upon all that is holy and unholy it seems in a black bloody rite in order to gain massive amounts of daemonic power the four most powerful were eating the lesser three alive in a feast of blood in souls.
But we were to late and it led to our failure... And now I lay coughing up and laying in my own blood....
"This is not the end for you Valerian now rise up and commit there blood and souls to the blade and void." Called a voice out of no where. "Get up you fool this is no time to die. Are you going to just give up now when you've come so far? Call my name and send these fools to grave."
"Will you shut the hell up? I don't need your damned help fiend....your use will come be patient beast." He says snarling angrily through gritted teeth. "Enthri'kyr I'll let you take control and make use of the liches powers to heal me enough. after that just make sure they support me and my attacks with there necromantic powers. "
He says as a pool of shining white light envelopes him sending his mind reeling back through times of the distant past and through portions of memories from himself and others....
"We were at war with the world and ourselves....we were enraged by how weak we we fought and fought, some to their last breath, we got stronger we gained power that could rend the world asunder..... but even as strong as we were we new we knew we were far to weak to protect those we loved....too weak too guide our people and most importantly to guide those we loved our friends, families, lovers, and far more..... We were far to weak to upheld our part of the turn we lost ourselves, our people, our world.....we failed." Laughs half heartedly. "Miserably so...maybe one day this pact this blade this power will change things and bring back order in a world that's now fallen freely to forces darker and far out of mine or anyone's control. We make one last stand come the morning men and no matter what we shall not lose even if we are to die as well. This world shall be free from the these bastards taint in my name the name of Zalthair, one of last true Lords of the Drakonyri, the greatest of all the elven races, the founders and creations of the last great dragons of old, we built this world from nothing and I'll be damned if I let fall into the hands of mindless beasts." With that he raised his blade catching the merest hints of the first light of a new day sending glimmering rays of light across his army gleaming off there armor and weapons as he swept his blade aside sending rays of healing and blessing light across everyone. " We must not lose no matter what......"
As Valerian regained consciousness he wondered if he just witnessed one of the last moments of his forefathers life. Smiling, " No we won't lose not now not ever again.... It's about time they were shown true fear true power. To break through the shadowy veil of lies and bring about the truth no matter what...and oh they'll know true pain true suffering soon.
With that he gained his footing, turned and made haste to his nearest foes they would pay and pay dearly for there insolence..

Part 2 - Acceptance

As he continued his vengeful stride through the Dusty winding gorge of the mountainous canyon-like terrain towards the encamped army of imerith. With each step he took More visions flooded through his mind of those that repeated one in particular caught his attention. 'Twas a vision of Vesylsaire and Varathian upon the fallen battements of Alganyr as they watched the battle between Archanos and Chamorian.
" You never got to explain to me what you meant by Falsity Truth Understanding Past Present and future all having to deal with our lives," said Varathian as he clasped his hands behind his back.
"Varathian it has to deal with acceptance. In order for us as rational minded beings to accept things especially things we'd rather not want to accept but deep down we know we must. We must cut through the lies, doubts, and the Falsity in general to get to the truth. Once you see the briefest hints of Truth can you truly begin to understand - or to at least start to understand - how to accept and overcome the matter's at hand."
" For example, look at how powerfully skilled and confident archanos is all he did was accept his weaknesses. By looking to past, present, future, and by cutting through the Falsity or lies by witnessing and seeing the truths can we come to terms with understanding the true path before us All....
Upon entering the clearing leading to the encamped army of imerith, as he stepped up to the large wooden gates tracing a sign of power sending a force of telekinetic force barreling down the gates leaving nothing but rubble behind band the sound of incoming troops looking to see what the cause of the destruction and noise was with a sly smile written across his face as he paused to admire the destruction wrought. Before reaching back to unsheathe a long serpent shaped blade, a kris if immense power, while holding it pointing towards the ground before letting it slide smoothly from his hand, " sink beneath the waves if Falsity to blind the mind to cause unrivaled discord and invoke the path of illusions," as the tip of the blade hit the ground it began to sink into the earth as if it were water causing a rippling effect upon the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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