Vesylsaire Arc

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Part 1 – The 5 Pathways,

     " I'll never understand why you always come to these abandoned ruins and it's always to this specific area too. Why is it you come to this place and this room when you have to make hard decisions , Ves? " asked Varathian while walking up to Vesylaire and sitting down beside him then adding, " you know, the others are worried about you right? Even that guy Archanos is worried about you as well and hey if I may ask what happened back there? Why did you let that  undead chaos dragon lord guy get away? "

    " Do you really wanna know why I come here and why I let him get away? "

Asked Vesylaire before adding, "And by the way I know everyone's worried about me and wondering why I just got up and left to come here and About Archanos didn't I tell you he was gonna be alright? "

    " Yes, Ves, I really want to know why? " said Varathian sarcastically.

    " Alright then I'll tell you but you better sit down and get comfortable cause we might be here for awhile, " said Vesylaire while looking up at Varathian with a slight grin...

      As the darkness began to settle upon the ruins of Algaroth, Varathian and Ves sat together in the throne room in this once majestic city but now it was nothing but mere ruins now, no one came or cared to come too this forsakenly barren place nothing but death and destruction was laided upon those who came here but all that had changed when it was freed from the darkness so long ago by Vesylaires forefather varimatrich.

   " So you let him go out of loyalty as a dragon lord? " said Varathian questioningly to Vesylaire.

" I can't kill a dragon lord, Varathian... My powers would've had no effect against him. So I let him go and he let us go without a problem because we are both beings who understand that we could both wipe out both sides and yet it'd still be a stalemate and a stalemate to most dragon lords equals out to a disgrace. And Varathian, i come to this place and this spot for one reason it reminds me of something we all face in life, look down each corridor and exit and tell me what you see Varathian, " asked Ves with a spark of curiosity in his eyes.

     "There's five corridors they all lead to a balcony with a secret trapdoor styled exit except for the corrider behind us. Well looking out towards the corridor on the  west side it seemed as if it overlooked the plain of shadows. Looking through the east corridor it lead to a balcony overlooking, the city of light, Alganyr. The one to the north seemed to lead to there current destination. The southern most corridor lead to the entrance of these ruins. The last one leads to...the cursed and forsaken Isles of the Dead..., " explained Varathian shocked but confused on what these areas had to do with decision making and why he came here. " I still don't understand what these places have to do with - "

      " The Truth, the Understanding, the Falsity, the Past & Present, and last but not least, the Future of our lives all have to deal with it Varathian...only if people could just look around see that we must look to the history of the beings and places that came before us so that we can ensure that are world won't become another ruin forgotten and left abandoned to ages like this once proud city is now...said vesylaire trailing off with a hint of sadness ladening his voice...

   When suddenly with a sound of dreaded silence and then as if the world had been thrown into a maelstrom of disaster the earth shook from an unearthly roar of might...a dragon and from the sound of it 'twas an undead chaos dragon.

   "What the hell was that? " announced varathian as he turned to look at Vesylaire with fear lacing  his voice.

"It seems he's gone through with the plan after all. Then all seems to be going as planned. "

   " What the hell do you mean by that–" before Varathian could finish Vesylaire had already

       An unexpected encounter

                        Part 2

" Damn it, Vesylaire! Why the hell did you have to leave. I should of went after him instead announcing it to the others for now it may be to late…" said Archanos in thought as he ran through the woods towards the ruins of Algaroth.

   In what seemed like what could be hours he came upon the outskirts of Algaroth. And upon seeing the city he noticed a mass army gathering towards it…an army of the undead lead by a what seemed to be a dragon lord riding atop an undead chaos dragon. And using his innate magical powers to see through the army and buildings to where Vesylaire and varathian where he could tell by the way they moved at least by the way Vesylaire moved towards the courtyard it seemed he knew this dragon lord and by that he could tell that he would be safe until he arrived…

   "So it seems you've made your choice on this matter then, Crisylian, " said varimatrich as he approached Crisylian in the courtyard of Algaroth.

   Reaching out with his hand to clasp Vesylaires hand in his while chuckling a little, " so it seems I have. I never had a thing for chaos magics to begin with but when I learned who and what you were I knew I had to help in some way against such a foe as Shalivyr. Plus he won't expect me to back you up so he's bound to be a fool like his brother who a matter of fact is a part of my army and under a certain someone's control. But I'm sure you'd want to meet those that I've given certain commands too. " said Crisylian to Vesylaire.

  " Oh yes please bring them to me, I need to talk with a few of them before we set off. " said Vesylaire to Crisylian who sent a wight to relay orders for him while he stayed and talked to Vesylaire but mere moments after that there was a massive flash  of red energy heading towards the courtyard.

Then out of nowhere an armored form flashed into view wearing a savage grin as it held up a scythe like lance with a slight flick of the wrist he dispersed the massive red energy wave as if it were nothing more then a mere speck of dust. Then Turning around to look Vesylaire in the eyes, " It seems I made it just in time, after all, " said Archanos with a savage grin and sigh of relief.

   "Archanos why are you here? And how did you know I'd be here?" Replied Vesylaire surprised at seeing

   "Forget about that Vesylaire. I think it's about time though I paid this bastard back for what he did before."said Archanos with venom lacing every word.

                         Part 3

            Archanos vs. Shalivyr

    " Didn't you learn from last time when I almost put your ass six feet under and anyways I'm not even here for please if you could... remove yourself from my prescence, " said Shalivyr chuckling.

   With a sweep of his blade Archanos sent a storm of dust and debris towards Shalivyr...
  " If you really think that's gonna work on me then you're more of a fool than I thought–" announced Shalivyr with a sweep of his blade destroying the dust and debris storm before him while turning to expect the attack he figured was coming from behind him but before he could realize it was nothing more than a distraction Archanos was already before him sending his own weapon in too slash Shalivyrs back with extremely deft speed, but as the tip of his weapon bit through Shalivyrs armor carving it's way across his upper left shoulder towards his lower back, with a growl of defiance and pure hate Shalivyr was able to turn upon his opponent and with a roar of agony and pain he called upon the power of his blade and released a wave of black and red energy that tore through the ground before him leaving nothing but a gapping fissure before him... With a slight chuckle, " not what you were expecting i bet...never thought I would of ever landed a blow like that on you...

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