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We were walking to what I assumed was Soundwave's room. I expected a bed, maybe a desk, but I was surprised when we arrived—it was more like a surveillance room. Monitors were everywhere, with one chair in the middle and desks on the sides. As I looked around, Soundwave sat in his chair and placed me on the desk to his right. "Figure out what it is and how we can use it." We both looked at each other for about a minute before I realized what he wanted. "OOOHHHH, you want me to show you what I can do? Okay."

After the realization, I looked around for something to eat. After some searching, I found what looked like a giant screwdriver. I slid over to it and enveloped it in my body. I glanced at Soundwave, and an exclamation point appeared on his face as he saw the screwdriver disappear in a matter of seconds. He then turned to the computers, typed something, and looked at me again.

The screwdriver I ate was a bit much, so I had to grow to about four feet tall. This didn’t go unnoticed by Soundwave, who looked at me curiously and gestured toward my new height. Seeing no point in hiding, I expanded to my full size—seven feet tall and five feet wide. He nodded before typing on the computer again. He didn’t gesture to me for a while, so I extended a tentacle and poked the side of his head to see if he was alright.

He turned and stared at my tentacle for a bit, then extended one of his own tentacles?! I looked at his tentacle, feeling jealous that his was much cooler. "Wait a minute, I can change my shape, so why can’t I have tentacles like that?" I focused really hard and imagined the tentacle, and as I thought, my tentacle became almost identical to his. The only difference was that mine was made of slime. He looked at it for a second before comparing his to mine, then retracted his. I did the same, and he typed on the computer again.

After a while, he opened a drawer and pulled out what looked like a cylindrical container. He looked at me, then tried to trap me. "I will NOT be contained!!!" Noticing my gurgles of distress, he stopped for a moment and just hovered the container above me. Not risking it, I extended four tentacles and sharpened the tips.

I quickly sent one of my tentacles to shatter the container, dissolving some of the pieces that fell into me while the rest scattered around. Soundwave looked at me for a bit, nodded, and typed on his computer again. Feeling a little more at ease, I retracted the tentacles and waited to see what he would do next.

After about an hour, he clicked a screen, and some audio played. "Slime: a creature with an almost jelly-like body. These creatures are infamous in RPGs as common enemies. They attack by extending limbs to strike or by trying to dissolve threats with their bodies. Once they absorb an enemy, they grow. Physical attacks don’t work due to their jelly bodies; the attack will simply pass through. Only magical attacks or freezing can harm them. These creatures are, of course, fictional, and their origin is unknown."

Soundwave looked at the screen, then at me, seeming satisfied with his answer. He recorded the audio and then, using Megatron’s voice, said, "Stay here and await further commands," before leaving, presumably to report to Megatron.

Time skip

It had only been about a minute before someone unfamiliar entered the room, looking quite... strange.

"Soundwave, I need you to boost your efforts in finding the Autobots!" the strange one exclaimed, before looking around and realizing Soundwave wasn’t there. "Abandoning your post? Megatron will not be pleased. What would he th—huh?" He looked at me and started walking over. "Soundwave’s energon, huh? Well, as second in command, it’s my responsibility to punish those under me, and as punishment, he won’t be having any energon."

As he finished speaking, he tried to pick me up, but I backed away out of his grasp. He stumbled back in surprise. "What? How can you move? You’re not alive!" he exclaimed. "No matter, energon is energon, moving or not." He tried to grab me again, but I backed up once more. "Grrr, fine! Oh well, all things that live can also DIE." With that, he slammed his hand down on me, but it passed through harmlessly. Seeing that it didn’t work, he slammed his hand down over and over again. "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! COME ON ALREADY!"

Now this was just getting annoying. When he slammed his hand down again, I made sure to dissolve it a bit. He jolted his hand back. "HOW DARE YOU!" he screamed. He then jumped back and aimed a rocket at me. "SURVIVE TH—" He was cut off by an echoing roar that shook my form.

"STARSCREAM!!! Just what do you think you’re doing?" I turned to see Megatron standing in the doorway, looking far from happy.

"Oh, uh, my lord, I was simply getting rid of a pest that was in the surveillance room." Oh yeah, I’m the pest, not the one screaming and trying to blow stuff up. "This 'pest' is part of my plan to destroy the Autobots once and for all. I will be taking it on my next mission." Megatron then extended his hand for me to climb on.

"Wait, I came here for freedom, and now I’m going with what I assume is the leader to destroy Autobots—which I haven’t even heard of yet???... Sure, why not."

I climbed onto his hand, and after a while, he walked onto the deck. "Now, time to kill Optimus once and for all and take over this planet with my new UNDEAD ARMY!" Wait, undead wha— I was cut off as he transformed into a jet and flung me into his cockpit before flying into the sky. "Ugh, what have I been dragged into?"

(TFP x Slime reader) A different kind of transformerWhere stories live. Discover now