A Sigh of Relief? Not so Much

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                               Kierra's POV

The nerve of Kevin. He really came in here and lied to me. My emotions are all over the place right now. And he is the last thing I want to be thinking of right now. I look down at Zaria, and she looks like she's getting better. She isn't as pale as she was earlier. I want to pick up and hold my baby so bad. I Feel like holding her will make everything better.  The doctor walked in with 2 nurses, and my anxiety levels were rising.

"Hello Mrs. Gates"

"Hi, can you tell me what's going on with my baby?"

"Well her blood work came up clean. She doesn't have Sepsis or RSV. The fever and coughing is coming from a mild cold. It's common in newborns, but considering her medical history from in the womb, it took a toll on her immune system."

" Okay, so what are you saying?"

"I'm saying her body is not allowing her to  fight of bad bacteria effectively."
      I held my chest, and my breathing sped up.

"Thankfully you brought her now, and we've caught it early. We can prescribe her medication, to help strengthen her immune system. And when she becomes older we can recommend foods that's she should eat regularly. Other than that she'll be fine."

"Okay Doctor, thank you so much."

"No Problem, We're gonna check her vitals one more time and if everything's straight, you can take her home today."

"Okay, once again thank you." I let out a huge sigh of relief. I stepped back and let the doctor and nurses, check her out.  I grabbed my phone to call mommy, but she walked right in the door. 
"Mommyyyy" I ran over and hugged her. "I was just about to call you"

"Hey baby, what's going on? Your father's parking the car he'll be up soon."

"Well the doctor just left, he basically said she had a had a common cold. But because of the incidents when I was pregnant, it weakened her immune system so her body can't fight bad germs as much as normal."

Oh Lord, I'm gonna keep praying for my grand baby" She put her hand over her mouth and walked over to Zaria.

"Hi my grandbaby, it's Nanna. Look at you, your gorgeous. And your strong, strong as ever, because God got you." She rubbed her cheeks, then she came back over to me.

"I can take her home soon." I said hoping to avoid the conversation about Kevin.

"Thank God. Hallelujah!" She rejoiced.
"Where is Kevin? Did he ever answer the phone, because that's not like him." We both turned to the door, and it was my father.

"Daddyyyy, I missed you sooo much" I ran to him and he hugged me tightly.

"I missed you more baby girl. I'm sorry your going through all of this." I felt so safe in my fathers arms, like the whole world was shielded off from me in that moment. I didn't want to let him go, and he knew that. He waited until I pulled away, which was a good minute.
I ushered him over to Zaria, and he looked like he was about to cry. My father has always been an emotional man, and I loved that about him. He was never afraid to show how he felt. I grabbed his hand and told him everything's gonna be okay and she'll be coming back home with us today.

"Kierra, answer my question, and tell me everything" mama demanded, I wasn't ready to tell her everything yet, for one she adores Kevin, she takes his side more than me. And because of that I don't want to disappoint her and tell her his actions.

"Fine, He was here not too long ago. We got into a fight. I honestly don't know if we're gonna make it." I fought back my tears, hoping my dad don't notice because if does, Kevin's ass is grass.

"I see you took your wedding ring off. Must've been a big fight.  Y'all shouldn't be fighting each other. The main priority is the baby. Whatever it was y'all needed to be strong and stay together for the baby. Children can tell when something is off with their parents."
  It seemed like she was sticking up for Kevin, but I can't really be mad at her because she doesn't know the full story.

Zaria was discharged, and we were headed to my house. My parents went back to their hotel. Mommy agreed to cook and we'll have dinner as a family. I'm not sure if Kevin is at the house or not, but I'm hoping he's not there. I don't want to see him.
                          Kevin's POV
I woke up in my car and my head was spinning. A nigga was going through it. I got myself together and headed home to take a shower.  Still sipping on my Henny, I walked up the stairs and passing Zaria's room. I went in there and just broke down. I failed my responsibility as a father. My daughter was crying for me and I was out being selfish and disrespecting her mother by cheating. I prayed right there to God that she'll be okay. I prayed that Ki forgives me, and we can be a happy lil family. God knows I can't loose my wife. I laid on the sofa with her blanket in my hands. I didn't even know I fell asleep until I woke up and seen K Holding Zaria.

I got up and rushed over to them, and she stepped back.

"Don't touch us. Kevin you reek of alcohol and weed. Look at you. Your not holding my baby like this." She whispered.

"K relax, just let me see her, I'll go clean up afterwards." I reached for Zari but she pulled back." "Fine I yelled" I stormed out and walked to our bedroom. I was getting things to wear and Ki walked in.

"You might as well go head and pack your shit cause your not staying here."

"I looked at her like she was crazy, K, you can't be serious. I'm sorry, I made a mistake" I pleaded

"I don't care, I don't want to deal with this right now, get your shit and go. As much as I hate you right now,  Im not gonna stop you from seeing Zaria. I'll let your guilt eat you up every time you look at her. But you will not be around her drunk and or high, I won't have it. Once again get yo stuff and get out."
  Everything she said went in one ear and out the other. She looked so beautiful. And her attitude was sexy to me. I walked over to her and grabbed her waist. She immediately snatched away.

"Don't touch me. Go touch on shawty from Chicago."  In one ear and out the other.

I reached for her waist again, grabbing one of her breast.

"I said Don't Touch Me" She snatch away again and pushed me hard i was stumbling . Anger filled my body. I regained my balance and grabbed her and held her to the wall. I had my hands on her neck, she tried to fight me off and I sent a slap to her face causing her to fall to the floor.

Immediately after I sobered up. I had just realized what I did. I hit my wife. Something I'd vow to never do. She looked up at me holding her face fighting back tears.

"B-Baby, I I didn't mean, Oh My God I  Didn't" I Reached to pick her up, but she flinched and backed away from me. I heard Zarias baby monitor go off. Ki looked at the monitor, then back at me. It was like she was scared to move.  I keep fucking up. It broke my heart to see her like that. I backed up and she ran out the room to get to Zaria.  I grabbed my clothes and the henny bottle and left. I was so distraught I was swerving all on the roads.
                          Mama Licia's POV

I heard someone banging on my door. I was confused as to whose banging on my door like a mad man. I opened the Door and it was Kevin. He Looked horrible. His pants was hanging off his ass, his shirt all dirty, and his sneakers untied. I see he had a liquor bottle in his hand. 

He lunged into my chest
"Ma I fucked up. I Fucked up real bad ma. I hit her."

2 updates in one day🥵.
I know I made y'all mad with this one😂
Don't forget to vote💕

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