8 - I put myself in the worst situations

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 "About time you showed up in the kitchen." Piper said to me as she handed me a beer. "And coming in with Nico too, do you want me to reserve a room?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not fucking someone." I said, leaning against the counter and she smirked.

"That's because you'll be getting fucked." Leo said, coming out of nowhere.

"Shouldn't you be getting fucked by Connor or something?" I asked him.

"That's right!" He said, grabbing a beer before running off. "I'M COMING!" I heard Leo yell which caused Piper and I to burst out laughing.

"Oh hell no." Annabeth said, looking at me. "Drink up. We're getting you fucked tonight."

"I don't want to have sex." I said, making her roll her eyes.

"Getting fucked up dumbass. I don't always want you to have sex but that will be a bonus." She winked before grabbing Piper and walking off. I sighed looking at the alcohol before filling a shot glass with vodka and taking it.

"Looks like you want to get fucked." I heard a voice say and I turned to find Nico.

I don't know how I ended up here, mostly because I don't remember much but I'm currently sitting on a bed with Nico sitting across from me. "Why did you stop being my friend?" I asked, laying back down. I couldn't stop the question from coming out. He sighed and laid down next to me.

"I used to have this stupid crush on you." He said, causing a little part of my stomach to burst. "And I knew you didn't like me back and then all the death shit happened so I just pulled away so I couldn't get hurt anymore."

"Oh." I said before realizing that probably sounded bad. "You shouldn't have pulled away because you needed somebody and I should've been there for you but I fucked it up. So I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for Jackson." He said. "I basically ruined our friendship."






"Shut the fuck up."

"Make me." I said, causing him to lean up and look at me with a raised eyebrow before laying down.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

"Later." He said. "Are you going to tell me about the secret part in your essay? I know the main concept and your idea but you won't tell me about paragraph two." And I was about to fuck up because I don't have self control.

"It's about my uncle. You know the essay but one thing no one knows is who my uncle truly is."

"And what's that?" He asked, his voice tempting something but I couldn't make it out.

"All different things. Illegal things of course."

"Percy, what has your uncle done? I know he's a dick but how much of a dick?"

"Beats me, threatens to fuck me, all the normal." I said, my eyes closed as I was still laying back. I heard and felt Nico shift.

"He what?" Nico says and his voice made me shiver. It was deep and full of anger.

"Hits me. Nothing new."

"How long?"

"All my life. It's okay."

"It's not okay Percy." Nico said, and I finally opened my eyes to see him sitting next to me. I met his eyes. "Can I see?" I gulped while nodding before pulling up my shirt to reveal a couple bruises that were from throughout the last week. I watched his face, trying to see any type of emotion but it remained still as he looked over my stomach, touching certain spots. "How could someone do this to you?" He mumbled before meeting my eyes and I saw a glance of worry pass through them.

"I need more alcohol." I said, trying to sit up but he pushed me back. "Nico." I whined

"Percy, does anybody else know?"

"No but it's okay. Nico, I'm fine. Trust me." He sighed.

"I do trust you Percy but this is not something you should hide." He said, his eyes not leaving mine. "I don't like seeing you hurt."

"It's okay, I'm used to it." I said, sitting up despite his protests but I still didn't leave his eyes.

"But that's the thing! You shouldn't be used to it!" He said, getting off the bed and starting to pace around. "It's not right for this to be happening and nobody to realize that you're constantly in pain! Especially from a family member! You especially don't deserve it!"

"You pacing is stressing me out." I said and he stopped in front of me.

"Fine but we'll talk more about this after you sober up. I'm not letting this one go."

"Fine but I'm tired." I said, grabbing him and laying down, holding him against me despite his protests. "I'm falling asleep now and I have to cuddle something so I chose you, now deal with it."

"Fine." He said, cuddling up against me.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight Percy." I heard as my eyes closed as I drifted swiftly away. 

My Tutor Turned Me Gay? - Percico High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now