Chapter 3

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Angered roars erupted through the air deep in the woods of Washington. Two grizzly bears were in a loud standoff with Emmett as he toyed with them playfully. He would come in reach of one of the bears' large claws only to dash out of the way with his enhanced speed when it attacked.

"Emmett...," cam an exasperated, yet amused sigh from Carlisle who stood with Edward and Jasper at the edge of a clearing. "Quit messing around before you--"

There was a sound of ripping fabric as one of the bears took the opportunity of distraction and snagged its claws through Emmett's shirt. He wasn't fazed in the least and let out a booming laugh before going forward and sinking his teeth into the bear's thick neck. Jasper quickly took care of the second grizzly.

Edward eyed Emmett's tattered shirt that hung from his body in strands as he came over to them. He held out a spare white shirt, shaking his head. They always brought spare clothes during their hunting trips, mainly for Emmett as he always seemed to get his clothes destroyed one way or another.

"Alice is going to kill you," he said. "That's what, The fifth shirt this week?"

Emmett responded with his usual unconcerned shrug and swung an arm over Edward's shoulder. "Oh Eddie, my dear boy. Lighten up, it's just a bit of fun."

Edward gave him a deadpan stare before ducking from under Emmett's arm and chucking the clean shirt at his face which his brother easily caught. Jasper chuckled.

"He says all that now, but just wait until Alice and Rose get their hands on him. I'm sure going on one of their lengthy shopping trips will get him to tone down the 'fun' for a while."

Emmett cringed at the thought, snatching the remains of his shirt from his body and pulling the new one over his head. Carlisle chimed in. "Alright, come one. We should get back before the girls start worrying."

The four walked at a human's pace, just to prolong what they liked to call their "Boy's Night". It had been a stressful while for everyone, especially Emmett, and they liked to see him finally relax a little bit. They all talked amongst themselves, laughing and joking together when Emmett froze mid-step.

A heavenly scent had hit his nose. Closing his eyes, he breathed in deeply. It was a strange, yet still pleasant mix. Coffee and ivory soap, and a hint of what Emmett believed to be men's cologne.


Jasper, sensing his brother's sudden off course emotions, and Edward who scanned his thoughts, stood at Emmett's sides. Emmett opened his eyes; if he had been human, his heart would have been racing rapidly from within his chest.

"He's here."

"Your mate," stated Edward. It wasn't a question.

Emmett nodded frantically, his fingers twitching at his side, and his feet shuffling against the forest floor. Then he darted off in the direction of the scent. He didn't know how far he had run, but as he entered the area where his mate's scent was the strongest, arms grabbed onto his arms and around his middle.

Jasper released calming waves towards his larger brother, trying to get him calm enough to at least know what he was doing. He was reacting on instinct, they noticed. Emmett could have easily broken all three of their holds on him, but Edward's hissing in his ears and Jasper's powers taking effect on him had him slowly coming back to a rational reality.

"Calm down!" Edward hissed. "You don't want to just come rushing at him out of nowhere. Especially not in the middle of the night, and especially not out in the middle of the fucking woods."

Emmett blinked and turned to Edward who continued. "Not only will that possibly expose you and the rest of us, but you might scare him off. Do you want your mate to be afraid of you?"

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