Chapter 2 -Pelican Town

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Pelican Town looks beautiful.

That's all I have to say.

The moment I enter town, a girl with shorter length blue hair notices me and walks over. "Hey! You're that new farmer right? My name's Emily. I can see it in your face, you'll love it here in Pelican Town. How's moving in been?"

Is everyone this friendly and upfront in a small town? I guess that makes sense... Everyone knows each other.

"I guess it's been tiring but it's alright..." I say.

"You should go around and meet everyone in town! You'll definitely fit in here," Emily smiles. She turns to look behind me, towards the flower fields and calls out, "Haley!"

A blonde girl stands up from her kneeling position and walks over. The way she carries herself makes me make a snap judgement: I might not like her.

As she walks over with exaggerated flamboyance, Emily starts to tell me that Haley is her sister and that their parents were on vacation and eventually plan to just give the house to them and buy a better one in a better location. When Haley finally reaches us and starts talking, it confirms to me that I do not like her.

"Hey, you're that new farmer boy right?" Haley looks me up and down and I can tell she was trying to not crinkle her nose. Emily slightly frowns, then raises her eyebrows at Haley pointedly. Haley does not understand. "Huh? Emily what're you..." She then understands. "Oh! I'm Haley." She eyes me again. "If it weren't for those horrendous clothes, you might actually be kinda cute."

I just stare at her. Both out of incredulity and pure speechlessness at the audacity. I manage to force all that down my throat and force a smile. "Hello. My name is Theo."

Haley smiles sweetly. "That's a nice name! I would love to chat more, but I have to get home. I promised myself I would organize my clothes today and the day is almost over."

She turns, flips her hair backwards, and prances away.

Emily sighs, "I'm sorry for her, she's a lot to handle, I know. But trust me, when you get to know her, she's a sweet person and cares pretty deeply."

"I guess it's fair, I just moved here and no one really knows me," I shrug.

"Well, I was actually going to go to work. I work behind the bar at the Saloon, come with?" Emily asks.

"Actually I'm meeting some people there," I reply.

"Really! You seem to be pretty friendly, what with making friends and you've just been here since this morning!" Emily laughs. "We could walk together! Who did you meet?"

"Well I was on the train and met Sam and Abigail, and then saw Sebastian at the station," I start.

"Oh! They're a nice group of people. They come in around the weekends to hang out in the gaming area of the saloon. They always seem to have the most fun..." Emily trails off, going quiet. "I suppose when you have time." She shrugs.

"Do you not?" I ask.

"Oh no, I have to keep the house clean and Haley doesn't really like doing chores or pitching in. Sometimes I just wish she would, but we got into a fight the other day when she wouldn't dust the bookcase when I came home from work! You should have seen it, the dust was covering it with a layer an inch thick, and I could barely sense the aura from the area, the dust was so thick. And of course, I have the job at the Saloon. It is a lot, isn't it? I wish I had friends... Gus is nice of course, he's the owner of the Saloon, but sometimes it would be nice to talk to someone my age y'know? I mean, I have a friend, I'm not lonely, but I never get to see her since she lives in Calico Desert and the bus to there has been broken for years now..." Emily trails off. "Ah, here we are!"

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