People think we are dating 🏃‍♀️

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Bella said that Jackson doesn't talk to anyone but us so she doubted that he was going out with a girl so me and her followed him NO it was NOT my idea it was hers but she dragged me in to it we saw him stop at a cafè maybe he was going out with a girl but no he just got himself a coffee
Bella: see he was just trying to make you jealous he told me
Y/n: ok your right 🙄
He walk out Bella pushed me out of the car I bumped in to him
Jackson: oh so now your following me 😏
Y/n: shut up says the one that said that they where going out on a date with another girl and just got coffee
Jackson: why do you care if I go on a date with someone else?!?
Y/n: i-i don't.... I have to go
I just ran to the car
Bella: what happened?
Jackson: why are you guys following me?
Jackson said gettting in to the car
I was silent
Bella: cause I know that you weren't going on a date and I just wanted to make funny of you:)
Jackson: ACTUALLY I'm going on a date with y/n so.....
Bella: I know I was the one that made you two your welcome
Me and Jackson: thanks?
Jackson: oh and talking about that can you wear something that you would wear in like the summer time since it's almost summer for tomorrow? It's fine if you don't wanna-
Y/n: yeah! bella can you help me?
Bella: ofc I got the most beautiful dress
We went home and the dinner was at my house
Are moms where cooking while the dads where watching tv. Bella said she had to go to the store to get something cause she was on her lady time. It was just me an Jackson. In my room. I had a wii and we played for a while. He would tackle me when I won which was mainly every time. It was just play tackling then we made a TikTok for his page since he forgot to post yesterday. I would always comment. At the end of the sentence that he would reply with he would put a <3. EVERYONE shipped us they where just waiting for us to date which I thought it was cute

This was the post imagine you are there too :)

If you don't know what to imagine then I'll make some ideas
This goes in Order of the TikToks
1. You are infront of him and also saying the word you guys look like a mafia couple
2. In the first clip it him and in the second your  right next to him that's why he keeps looking at you
3. Your dancing with him :)
4.  Your behind the camera and he tags you in it saying you where the 'camera man ;)'
5.  Your right next to him or you can be laying on his chest what ever you want and at the end he kisses your head
6. You and him walk like a king and queen
7. Since he is looking off to you which your in the screen also ( fun fact: he noticed me two times in that video 😭)
8. You came up with the idea and dueted the video
9. You head is off the screen but your playing with his hair
10. You also duet this one
11. He keeps looking at you and you make fun of him after
12.  The screen was a bit more down so you could also see you and at the end he put his hand around your neck NO not like choking
13. You and him dance  and you start laughing but then you hear a person walking so you both run out of the screen
14.  You and him both look at the Mirror and look at each other but it looks like he's not looking at you( hopefully that makes sense) and the you guys vibe
A/n: You can be in what ever one  you  want I just wanted to put that if you couldn't think of anything sorry if it was short the next chapter will be the date 😙 love y'all 😻

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