The epic kiss

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So we where just listen to some music chilling In the car Isabella was eating are left overs cause it was getting late and there was a lot of traffic so me and Jackson told Bella to open the window on the top of the car and we stood up on are seats enjoying the moment the the song electric love came on
Y/n: that's my favorite song
Jackson: same
We start singing
You can put the song on now
Jackson: Candy, she's sweet like candy in my veins
Baby, I'm dying for another taste
He looks at you
Y/n: And every night my mind is running around him
You look at him
Thunder's getting louder and louder
Jackson and y/n: Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck
By your electric love (Ohh)
Baby, your electric love (Ahh)
Electric love
You guys make eye contact
Jackson: Drown me (Drown me), you make my heart beat like the rain
Surround me (Oh), hold me deep beneath your waves
Y/n: And every night my mind is running around him
Thunder's getting louder and louder and louder
Jackson and y/n: Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck
then the unexpected happened while that part was going he pulls me in and kissed me omg I was dying his lips where so soft
Baby, your electric love
The song in the back while you two where kissing
Rushing through me
Feel your energy rushing through me
Feel your energy rushing through me
Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it
And all I need is to be struck by your electric love (Ohh)
Baby, your electric love (Ahh)
Baby, you're electric-
The song ends so does the kiss damn I would wanna stay there forever
Jackson: sorry. I'm sorry I didn't mean-
I pulled him in for one last kiss of the day
Y/n: it's fine I liked it :)
Jackson: :) well I hope so it was my first kiss maybe second since the forest
Y/n: *laughs* yeah i guess so 😆
We sit back down and Bella was asking us billions of questions we didn't answer anyone of them we where just day dreaming
We finally got home me and Jackson pulled Bella aside and told her not to tell are parents not that they would freak but I feel like they would think we where together even though I didn't mind that
I went in to Bella and Jackson's house since my parents where on there jobs my mom was in L.A for modeling and my dad was with her

I went in to shower in Bella's room and changed in to some nice pjs and went downstairs we normally slept on the couch so I got myself comfortable and we watched sandlot I fell asleep before Benny pickled the beast as the said in the movie I always found Benny cute but once I meant Jackson I felt like he was cuter

Jackson's POV
I saw y/n fell asleep but didn't look to comfortable so went to try to help her but she just ended up hugging me I just smiled like and idiot and layed there with her cuddle I eventually fell asleep

Bella's POV
I wasn't that tired so I tried asking Jackson and y/n if they wanted something they didn't respond so I looked omg they where so cute cuddle so I thought that taking a picture would be cute

Bella's POV I wasn't that tired so I tried asking Jackson and y/n if they wanted something they didn't respond so I looked omg they where so cute cuddle so I thought that taking a picture would be cute

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Aww imma start planning the wedding ✌🏽😚

The next day

I woke up to fell someone hugging me once I saw who it was I just started smiling I tried to get out of there hands but he was to strong so I just waited I was ok with it though because he was so cute sleeping
Jackson: hey are you awake
He said in a cute sleepy voice
Y/n: no I'm awake why?
Jackson: wanna go get some coffee?
Y/n: Um sure
We got up and I went to tell Bella that we where going and if she wanted to go
Bella: nah I'm doing you a favor you go with him alone😉
Y/n: ok let me change
I put on my clothes that I left here from yesterday and went down Stairs

Jackson: you ready?
Y/n: yeah :)

Jackson put his hand out and I was confused at first but knew what was going on so held his hand just like the second day we met 😫

We ended up going to Starbucks and we went home. We got something for Bella too

Jackson: iz we got you your coffee

No response
Just a note on the counter

I'm going out with some friends so I'm not going to be home till 6.... oh and mom and dad are out they wanted to go with y/n parents so they won't be here either- love iz/Bella ;)

So it was just me and Jackson alone in a house....

Jackson finally broke the silence
Jackson: so.... um wanna watch a movie?
Y/n: sure
Jackson: what do you wanna watch?
Y/n: uh mighty ducks ?
Jackson: sure... but if look over and your drooling over one of them I'm going to turn it off😃
Y/n: Um..... I can't promise you that....
Jackson: Y/N!?!
Y/n: what I'm just being honest
Jackson: come here
He starts running after me I start running away he finally catches me we fall on to the couch he's on top of me 😳😝
Jackson: I said you would pay for it
Y/n: ok ok ok fine what do i have to do
Jackson: hmm...... kiss me
He said in a low voice I don't think he wanted me to here that

But i did

I pulled him in to a kiss

But this was no kiss like the day before

It was long and Passionate .....

We kissed for like 2 minutes we finally pulled away

Jackson just turn on the tv and we acted like nothing happened

3 hours later

It's was getting late so we went to go get so pizza we put on my play list and sang until we got there but.....





Ashley omg 🙄

Ashley walked over to us but then Jackson grabbed my hand I knew what he was doing so I went along
Y/n: babe what are we going to get ? :)
Jackson: what ever you want
She stepped away we got are food and got in the car we bursted out laughing
Y/n: bAbE wHaT dO yOu wAnT?
I was Laughing
Jackson: WhAt eVer yOu wAnT ?
He started laughing once we where done we started the car and went home

We ate dinner left some for Bella ofc and went to play some video games I won most rounds

Jackson said that if he won then I would kiss him so I let him win a few ;) it's was 5:45 Bella was almost about to get here so me and Jackson went back to his living room and watched mighty ducks 3 I would say stuff like
Bro Conway is cute damn 😛
Or Adam my god you look extra fine 😏
Oh and Luis hey how you doing hottie 😍
I would look over at Jackson he just shook his head and laughed
Jackson: shut up with that or I'll turn it off
Y/n: and what if I dont?
Jackson: I will make you regret it
Y/n: this is going to be fun try me
Jackson: ok you asked for it
He tackles me and starts tickling me I was laughing so loud I'm pretty sure the neighbors could hear
Y/n: ok ok ok I'll stop
I said in between laughs
Jackson: ok but you have to do what I ask you to for a day so no saying no
Y/n: fine
Bella walks in
Bella: hey how are y'all
Y/n and Jackson: fine :)
We look at eachother and wink
Bella: sorry I didn't take you y/n
Y/n: naw it's fine I had fun today :)
Bella: ok but I don't want and mini Jackson or y/n running around the house eh-
Jackson: iz shut up
I just start laughing
Y/n: i promise there won't be

For the next couple of hours you guys watch y/f/s (your favorite show) and head to bed you guys ended up making a fort and sleeping in there

You and Jackson cuddled all night Bella said
Bella: why don't y'all just married already geez
You guy finally fall asleep

Hope you have an amazing day luvs :) <3

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