Chapter 1

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Sal's POV
I woke up from another nightmare
I couldn't quite remember what happened
But I know it wasn't good

After attempting to rationalize dropping out of school and becoming a musician so I could sleep in I realized dad would never let me drop out and thus I got up and out of bed

I tried not to look in the mirror as I brushed my teeth
I've had my face like this since I was a kid
Yet I still can't get used to how it looks

I have an old picture of me and mom in my room
It's the only reason I even remember what my old face looked like

I had freckles and a brown dot on the side of my nose
When I smiled I had dimples
I even had a small wine spill birthmark on the lower right side of my right cheek

I kept note of all these things
Because now
I had none of them
My freckles replaced by long jagged scars
My dimples replaced by the hole torn partially into my lip
And my birthmark replaced by a large red scar

My once cute small face was now a horrible mashup of scars and wounds and such

My eyes used to shimmer with joy
Now one is dull and the other glassy
Makes sense since its made of glass

Speaking of which
I walked back to my room and grabbed my prosthetic along with my glass eye

Popping in my eye I moved it around a bit until it settled properly,
After doing up my hair in pigtails I strapped on my mask just in time to hear a knock at the door

Walking over I opened the door to see,

"Larry Face!"

"Sally Face!"

Larry and I laughed over our nicknames

"You ready for school Sal?"

Larry came to pick me up every day before school
Being a year older than me you'd assume he would be in the grade above me but something about his birthday being weird meant he was in the same grade as me
But he got to drive before I did

Larry always drove me to school since the bus might as well be a battleground for a kid like me

I told Larry to hold on and I went to my room to get dressed
I put on a black T-shirt with the Sanity's Fall logo on it
And my normal ripped red jeans

Grabbing my bag I headed back to Larry and we walked out to his car

"So Sal, have you noticed something uhh... off? With our parents? Like I know they hang out a lot but it's like they're getting, I don't know like... touchy?"

I thought for a moment
It was true
Dad constantly hung out with Lisa
And recently they started holding hands and Lisa giggles around him a lot

A thought suddenly hit me
"Hey Larry, you think they might like each other, y'know like romantically?"

His eyes went wide at my words
"Fuck man, you might be right"

Larry paused for a moment and I remembered his dad
Maybe he wasn't happy about the idea of his mom liking someone new?

Just as quick as the thought entered my mind
Larry dismissed it

He let out a laugh

"Dude we'd be brothers! Fuck man that would be so freaking awesome we could like do family outings and shit!"

He had on the biggest smile ever and I stopped my worrying
He was happy
That's all I cared about right now

I laughed a bit before speaking
"Ya that really would be awesome, plus then our parents would be happy too, I kinda hope they like each other, I've never had a brother before, I think you'd be a cool older brother!"

We talked about our parents for the rest of the car ride

Once we got to school we went our separate ways since we didn't have the same classes say for art class which ash made both me and Larry join

That's the first chapter everyone!!
Sorry for bad grammar or spelling mistakes I'm not great at the whole writing thing despite how much I love to write

I hope you liked this chapter!

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