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"As I was saying I can attach them to the walls with my-" Peter's voice was irritating Bucky, he was already tensed because it was a difficult mission, and the fact that maybe the Red Spy could show up, it caused him an intense stress.

Why in the hell Fury wanted the kid to go on a mission with two Supersoldier and a professional trained man?

"Would you shut up?" Bucky's cold voice made Peter freeze on the spot.

"What do we do Steve?" Sam asked to the blond.
They were hiding in the forest behind the isolated laboratory, and the fact that it was night, it helped them.

Steve was crouched with Sam behind a bush, while Bucky was giving dirty looks to Peter, behind the two men.

Bucky's wet hair were sticked to his face because of the pouring rain, his blue eyes contrasting his light skin, that looked almost ghostly.

"We go behind the building where there is a tunnel that we can use thanks to the map Fury gave us." Steve pointed the different ways on the old paper.

A sudden lightening made its way in the dark sky, brightening for few seconds the gloomy forest.

"Fury couldn't choose a better night." Sam sarcastically said tightened his jaw, he hated the rain.
But fortunately his short hair weren't spread on his wet face as Bucky, the only one that didn't have a mask that covered his face and hair.

They silently moved near the building's wall, trying to avoid the camera's eye.

"Wait a second!" Steve attached himself to the wall, and so did the other three.

"What is it?" Bucky spoke through his teeth, it better not be her.

"There are like five guards around the corner, I think they are controlling the perimeter." Steve informed them, carefully popping out his head to see better the guards.

"If we knock them out, we can use their uniform to infiltrate ourselves into the building without problems." Sam cheered at the new plan.
This was going to help them without hurting anyone.
Well, only the five guards standing near the tunnel.

"To my three." Steve commanded raising three fingers.

Bucky moved his long hair behind his ears, while mentally preparing himself to the small fight.

"One." Peter was already in position with his webs.

"Two." Sam adjusted his goggles to protect better his eyes from the heavy rain.

"Three." Steve immediately ran towards the five men that were taken back by surprise.

Peter threw his webs at the two men that were running towards him, making them fall to the ground trapped in his artificial mesh.

Sam flew behind one guard, and he hit him behind his back, making the men fall to the ground.
He probably passed out from the punch.

The other two guards were instead shooting at Steve with their guns, but fortunately he was protecting himself behind his shield.

He could've heard the hundreds bullets hitting the metal only to fall to the ground under his feet.

Why they were so aggressive? They were trying to kill him, not to knock him out.

Bucky immediately took his gun to shoot at the other's man pistol, trying to not hurt anyone, but not if that meant the life of his friend.

"I got you Steve!" Sam screamed at the blond, before giving a fly-kick to the last standing up guard.

Red Thorns - Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now