Chapter 4: The Vision

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You walked up to Anakin's flank, who was standing behind an unconscious Senator Amidala. The platform the three of you were on overlooked a lake of lava, and led into a facility. He must have sensed your presence, because he turned around.

"What did you do?" you asked, your voice breaking. "What I should have done years ago," he responded in a monotone voice. "You killed him didn't you?" you asked. He smiled evilly. "Anakin, why?" You were shocked that this man could have done something so villainous. Someone who you had known for 3 years, who had always been so kind to you, couldn't have possibly.

"My name... is Darth Vader", he snarled.  "Join me (y/n), and you could rule the galaxy.  Mold it the way you desire," he offered.  "No," you replied bluntly.  "A galaxy living in tyranny, is not something I want to be a part of."

"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!"

"Absolutes are the way of the Sith.  I will not let you become one of them," you promised, activating your lightsaber.  "You will try," Anakin responded, stabbing you in the heart.  You screamed in pain and fell into the lava below.

As you woke up, you realized you were screaming in real life as well, waking Ahsoka up too. "(y/n)?" She asked. "(y/n) are you okay?!" she asked louder. You felt paralyzed. As if you couldn't move. Your whole body shook. Anakin rushed over to where you were.

"Ahsoka, what happened?" he asked in a firm voice.  "I-I don't know.  He was just sleeping and then he screamed."  "(y/n)?" Anakin asked.  Everything started to come into focus.  You stopped shaking and got a hold of yourself.

"Sorry it was just a bad dream."  You looked over to see Ahsoka more worried than she had ever been.  "I'm fine, really I'm ok."

"They've cut the lock!" you heard a clone yell.  You got up and ran to the door, followed closely by Ahsoka and Anakin.  The clones were holding the line but were vastly outnumbered.  R2 finally found an exit, so you went there.

Suddenly, Anakin's comm link went off.  It was Rex.  "Anakin come in.  We've held the droids sir.  What's your location?"  You didn't know Rex very well, but you knew that he was the most respectful clone in the entire army.  He never used a first name basis on anyone except fellow clones.

"Ventress," Anakin sneered.  "Dooku's assassin?" Ahsoka asked.  "She's here to kill the hutt.  Come on!"

Anakin contacted Rex again, and this time he wasn't under the control of Ventress.  He was pinned down in the courtyard, and you needed him to help you find a ship, so you went there.  But before you could make it, Ventress caught up to you flanked by two droidekas.  "Great, rolling death balls," Ahsoka remarked sarcastically.

"A little help?" Anakin asked you.  "You seem to have things under control," you replied with a grin.

"R2 the door!"

Just before Ventress could make it to you, R2 came through and saved you.  However it didn't last long and she started cutting a hole through the door.  Then the huttlet found another landing platform with a ship for you to escape in.

Anakin jumped on a giant dragonfly or something, but you and Ahsoka were still stuck, and Ventress had gotten through.  You both activated your lightsabers and held her off for a bit before being overpowered.

Luckily, Anakin used the insect to knock her over, giving you time to get to the platform.

Once there, you started the engines and headed for Tatooine.  After a few minutes in hyperspace, Ahsoka realized something.  "You grew up on Tatooine right?  So for you, this must be like going home."

"Yeah... home," he replied.  I could tell from his voice he had some problem with the planet though.

Attachments: Ahsoka Tano x Male Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now