Chapter 20: Lightsaber Lost

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You enjoyed the view of the gleaming Coruscant from your Eta-2.  This was the first time you had ever taken it for a spin, and you intended to enjoy it.  After flying circles around the city planet for half an hour, you flew back to the surface.

After landing in the hangar of the Jedi temple, you went to the archives to check in your book.  That's where you found Ahsoka.  She looked worried.  "Hi Ahsoka.  I must be delusional because I could have sworn this was the library," you joked.  "Oh, (y/n).  Good to see you," she beamed with a fake smile.  "Is something wrong?" you asked.  "No."

"I've known you since we were 6.  What's going on?"

"Fine.  I... lost my lightsaber," Ahsoka finally said, defeated.  "Oh," you replied.  "Maybe you should tell Anakin," you suggested.  Ahsoka looked at you like you had five noses.  "Are you serious?  He tells me over and over again: 'your lightsaber is your life.  Don't lose it.'"

She looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact.  "Want me to help you find it?" you offered.  Her eyes widened.  "Really?" she asked.  "Really."  You then stared at her, maybe for too long.  You looked at her ocean blue eyes, face markings, and beautiful features.  Luckily, she didn't seem to notice.

You and Ahsoka searched for the pickpocket under the supervision of Jedi Master Jocasta Nu.  "At this rate it will take me years to find him!" Ahsoka complained.  "There may be another way," Master Nu said.  "That is Tera Sinube.  He is an elder Jedi," she continued, pointing to an old male Cosian.  "He happens to be an expert on the crime world."

You and Ahsoka walked up to the old Jedi.  He was sleeping in the middle of the day.  "How old is this guy?" you asked.  "Uh, pardon me, Master Sinube?"

"What?  Who?" he asked, waking up.  "I was just resting my eyes."  He then looked at you and Ahsoka.  "I don't know you, do I?" he asked.  "My name is (y/n) (l/n) and this is Ahsoka Tano," you introduced.  "I was told you could help us."

"Help you? Mmm?"

"A thief stole my lightsaber, and I only got a quick look at him.  I could tell he definitely came from one of the aquatic planets.  You know, one of the water worlds," she explained.  "So you're saying there was something fishy about him?" Sinube joked, letting out a dry chuckle.  "He must be a dad," you whispered to Ahsoka, making her let out a cute giggle.

"Well, let's try and see if we can find out where he went, shall we?" Sinube said, accessing a holocomputer  "We were near the slum district, G17," Ahsoka told him.  "Where would he go, your little pickpocket?" Sinube asked.

"To a gangster hangout?" you theorized.  "Unlikely, but possible.  Maybe the gun market to sell the lightsaber.  Within the radius.  Just a moment, let me see."  He then looked at the cameras that picked up the thief.  "He was a Patrolian.  Maybe...  Is it one of these fishes?" he asked, showing a photo of a male Patrolian.

"That's him!" Ahsoka exclaimed.

"Interesting indeed.  According to the file, his name is Bannamu, a petty thief.  He hangs out in the slum district."

"Thank you, Master Sinube," Ahsoka said, about to run off.  "Your help has been invaluable."

"Well, you're welcome." Sinube replied.  "If there's anything I can do-" Ahsoka started.  "Yes, there is.  I haven't been on assignment in years.  And if you don't slow down, you're not going to find what you're looking for.  I'll come with you," Sinube said.

"Okay, gramps.  It would be nice to have company," Ahsoka reluctantly agreed.  You changed into your leather jacket an jeans and walked through the streets of upper Coruscant until you got to the elevator that led to the lower levels.  You had never been there before, so you had no idea how to act.  Once you got to the slum district, you walked up to the merchant of a tiny shop.  "Can I help you?" he asked.

"We're looking to buy a lightsaber," Sinube said casually.  "Any ideas where we could do that?"  The guy stood in deep thought for a second.  "Come with me," he finally said.  you followed him into another room.  "So, you wanna buy a lightsaber?  How much are you willing to pay?" 

"If you have it, you'll give it to me," Ahsoka said, attempting to preform a Jedi mind trick on him.  "What she means to say is... what's your price?" you cut her off, trying to maintain your cover.  "Twenty thousand," he demanded.  "Twenty thousand?" Ahsoka asked indignantly.  A small smirk formed on the guy's face.  "It's a rare weapon, a Jedi weapon."

Attachments: Ahsoka Tano x Male Reader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now