Chapter Two: Hershey Kisses

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I woke up what felt like minutes, but was really hours later by my blanket gently beng pulled back. Someone poked my cheek and I opened my eyes to see a pair of dark eyes watching me. I sat up quickly, hitting my head on the cieling. I rubbed my sore head and frowned at the person who now sat at the end of my bed.

 "Uh," I said flipping my light on, "Oh, George, Hi."

 "Hi," he said shyly, "Erm, Midnight said you had candy."

 I looked at him for a second then we both climbed down from my bed. I icked up my book bag and pulle dout my baggy of chocolates. I held it out to him and he gingerly and pulled out a Hershey Kiss.

 He unwrapped it and popped it in his mouth. I took one for my self and got a few more out for hiim before puttin ghte baggy back in my book bag.

 He had a couple more pieces af candy before he sat down on Midnight's bed. I sat down next to him and watched him curiously.

 "So," he said quietly, "what's your name?'

 "Taylor," I said biting my lip, "Taylor McKenzie."

 "Well then Taylor McKenzie," George said, "Why're you here? You seem normal enough to me."

 "Oh, my cousin got me a spot here. My parents split and I didn't have anywhere else to go." I said with a sigh.

 "Oh," George said. He seemed so sad and I was becoming more and more curious at why he was here as well, "Thanks for the kisses." he said, instantly turning a bright shade of red for what he'd said.

 "You're welcome, George," I said with a giggle, "I have plenty if you ever want any more...Candy I mean."

 He giggled for the first time I've met him. He smiled at me and I bit my lip as Midnight came in with a short boy with peircing blue eyes and a big nose.

 "Hi Tay!" she said loudly, "I see Georgie found you."

 George looked at me shyly, then got up quickly and left the room. I frowned slightly and Midnight shrugged.

 The boy who was with her was running around the room putting things away. I watched him as he picked up my book bag and hung it up on a hook by the door.

 "Uh, who's he?" I asked pointing to him.

 Midnight looked at me blankly, "That's Richie," she said like I was already supposed to know that, "He's George's room mate."

 I nod my understanding and watch as Midnight puts her hand on Richie's shoulder and stops him from cleaning our room.

 "Why's he here then?" I asked with a sigh.

 "He's a neat freak," she said simply as Richie sits down cross-legged in the floor, "His parents were messy people when he was little, so he came here because he doesn't like messes."

 I nidded again and he looked at me curiously, "George said you talked to him." he said plainly.

 "Yeah, but I don't see why that's such a big deal." I said shrugging.

 "Nobody besides me and Midnight and John and Paul talk to him." he said being very calm and quiet.

 "Why not?" i asked, "He seemed alright to me."

 "Well he's a bit strange compared to the other students here." Midnight said with a shrug.

 "How's that?" I asked. There was suddenly a loud bell sounding somewhere in the hall and Richie and Midnight got up and left the room. I frowned, because I had no idea what was going on.

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