I regret for everything I did in my past hope that person forgives me for once ....I never knew I could loose a gem from my life ....I totally hate myself for everything I did. I'm the main cause of it. I regret of being a harsh, rude frieand and a...
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I walked and walked along the streets looking all about. I was tired of searching someone's address for so long. So after my last trial ,I finally decided of going no further as I was too tired of the long journey. I set up my mind to sit somewhere and take rest for a while and start my journey again. After looking here and there at last I found a wooden bench under a big Gulmohor tree . I made my direction and sat at the right side of the bench . It felt so relief under the tree and I could feel the soft flowers touching my body ,seems like it is the season of Autumn .Yes , indeed it is . I just love the season Autumn , I can't describe it to you why?but whenever the season arrives it cheers up everything around me . Feels like the season Autumn is present in my heart . I closed my tired eyes to feel the beauty of the season . As I was busy in my own world I suddenly felt someone's presence beside me . I opened my eyes and looked to my left and found an old lady sitting and weeping silently , it felt like she was in a great pain within . I felt sorry and sympathy for the poor old lady . "Mam what's wrong? Can I help you out with anything?" I asked in a soft tone . "I'm fine son, there's wrong with me " the old lady replied . I became curious cause how can she be fine afterall she looks so broken and I questioned her again" Then why were you weeping silently hiding your pain?" " Nothing much to worry but.....I'm missing my son" the lady replied . I became more anxious after listening to her reply . " where's your son , doesn't he lives with you?" I asked . The old lady looked down with full of anxiety and replied " No! he doesn't lives with me". " why is that so ?" I asked . " My son wanted to but couldn't make it up , he is so.....far that I can't reach him nor he can reach me " she replied with a heavy heart . " What exactly did happened that he is being so far from you , can't he come and meet you ?" I questioned . The old lady looked at me and smiled wider which made me a bit confused .