the plan | chapter 27

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TW: none??

Third person pov:
Sapnap planned to get something special for Karl. Who knew that when Sapnap flew over to visit Karl he would be getting a boyfriend. An amazing one. Sapnap wants to do something very special for Karl, since Karl has done so many nice things for him, he wants to return the favor.

He had to make sure Karl couldn't possibly find out about it though. Karl would stick by Sapnap's side all day, how could Sapnap get away.

Maybe a distraction, by someone? Someone like Quackity.
Karl likes hanging out with Quackity, he could be the best distraction.

Sapnap's pov:
I carefully get out of bed, Karl was still sleeping and I don't want to wake him up. I grab my phone and go into the other room, I quickly call Quackity.

"What's up?" Quackity picks up the phone.

"Um can you come over? I'm planning something special for Karl and I don't want him to find out" I explain to Quackity.

"Oh, so like a distraction?" Quackity asks.

"Yeah kinda, I just need a few hours to get what I want done" I say.

"Okay, I'll be over in a few minutes" Quackity ends the call.

I head to my room, I go over to my dresser, I grab a black hoodie, and jeans. I quickly change and wait for Quackity to arrive.

He got here fairly quick, I expected him to take longer. Normally he's pretty late.

"Can I know what you're planning for him?" Quackity starts taking off his shoes.

"It's a secret, I don't want really tell anyone yet" I pause, "except for one person since I need their help"

"Finee, I really want to know, but I won't bug you" Quackity sighs and heads over to the couch.

"Karl's still asleep, if he asks where I am just tell him I'm at Niki's place" I assure him.

"Isn't that lying?" Quackity asks.

"You've lied plenty times before, and technically it's not because she's going to help me with this" I put on my shoes and head outside.

I pull out my phone and text Niki


I'm coming to your house now, it's time for that thing I told you I was going to do for Karl.

YES, finally you're going through with that, you told me about this plan weeks ago, I'll get dressed and meet you outside.


Great, everything's going good, hopefully I can find what I want for this.

I start walking over to Niki's place since it isn't too far and I don't need my skateboard.

As I get closer to Niki's house I see her outside sitting on the curb. I wave to her and she waves back.

"I'll drive us there" Niki stands up.

"Okay, but first let's get some food and candles" I say.

"Oh so you wanna be all fancy for this" Niki giggles.

"Yes, of course I do! This is important" I head towards Niki's car.

Needy - Karlnap Fluff ( Karl x Sapnap )Where stories live. Discover now