Leaving. Forever.

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This starts before BTS has debuted, so please don't be confused.

Your childhood had been a bittersweet one. Though you knew your parents loved you, you had gone through a lot of family problems at a young age. Since the time your younger sibling was born, all the attention was suddenly directed to them, and for once in your life, you felt lonely.

Being the elder sibling was never easy on you, especially because the pressure of education and building a future for yourself had been imposed upon you since a young age by your mother.

Your best friend, Y/Bf/N, had been your only completely trustworthy confidante and support. You had even realised that you had just touched depression at a tender age while talking to your best friend. The two of you had been friends since 4th grade, and though you were completely opposite personalities, you were attracted to each other like magnets, which would explain why she was the only one from your large friend group who actually knew anything and everything about you.

Your dreams of doing something creative according to your restless nature were not supported by your parents a lot. Your mother wanted you to do something "practical" and "realistic" in life. While on the other hand, you wanted so much more from your life, you wanted follow your love for music, or your interest in art, or your streak of writing. But your parents wanted you to do something that would actually yield you some money. You had a choice, yes, but what you wanted wasn't included in the options.

You were almost 13 years old when one day, you had a big argument with your parents.


"BECAUSE IM TELLING YOU THIS FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT Y/N! I want you to be happy and you know that isn't possible in today's world without money! So listen to some advice, and please get career counselling or something if you can't make up your mind already!"

"How will I ever be happy if I don't follow my dreams Mom?! Even if I have all the money in the world, would I be happy knowing that I could do something like being an author, or singing like I love to do? WOULD I BE HAPPY LIKE THAT?!"

"You know what? I don't care anymore, go waste your life, and I wouldn't care less. Just don't come back to me, regretting your life decisions and sobbing like a baby!"

Your dad was, meanwhile trying to calm your mother down, but you were trying to let the harsh words sink in. As much as your mother would admit that you really had a creative streak, were extremely skilled at singing, dancing, drawing, writing and other creative things due to the amount of hobby classes you had attended on behalf of your love of these things, you knew she would never support you in her blindness to your immaterialistic happiness.

You just knew at the moment, that you were never going to get the proper faith in your skill from your parents, so you just decided to continue the plan you had actually been making for years, but were apprehensive to carry out. But now you had decided, it was going to be tough, but at least you wouldn't feel what you felt at home. Because home didn't feel like home anymore. Not to you anyways. Your sibling would get all the attention from your parents in their spare time, and the pressure to do well in exams had you pushing yourself to dangerous extents. You didn't know how, but you had developed insomnia somehow over the years because of it.

You had thus decided, that it was no good staying at home anymore, and you had already been forced to mature at an earlier age, so you knew what you were planning to do, and how you would go about it. Leaving home didn't look like the best option, but it looked like the only option for you now.

You hadn't been planning this for months, you had been planning this for years. Yes, you had wanted to leave years before too, and that idea was only ignited a little more everytime you felt pressurized, or unloved at home. The little things your parents didn't notice, or chose to ignore, were those that mattered the most to you. Just sitting and watching T.V. with your family would be impossible, since your younger sibling shared your parents' love for Sudoku, and would insist on doing one together everyday when they were free. Small things, but they amounted to the big feeling of you feeling left out, or unloved, or even ignored sometimes.

But this was your breaking point. You had pushed yourself too much, and not in the right direction. You hadn't rebelled against anybody too much, you had just let yourself be pushed around, but now you couldn't take it anymore.

You had a lot of support from you maternal aunt. She was young and divorced, and rich because she had pursued her happiness like you, doing what she loved, not what her parents wanted her to do. You had always looked upto her a lot. So when a few days later you called her, her reaction to be positive, as you had expected.

"Hi auntie! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing perfectly fine Your/Nickname. How about you? Are you doing fine? Anything new?"

"Actually..." You said while biting your lower lip a little, which was a habit you used to do all the time. "Auntie, I think I finally wanna leave this hell. I had a big argument with mom, and I don't think she will ever support me like I want her to. I can't live my life like she wants me to, I feel trapped sometimes, trapped in something I don't want."

Your aunt knew you had accumulated a large sum of money over the years, but she was already planning to help you escape, as she knew the value of pursuing your dreams. She had made plans to financially help you, but she would give you the freedom to choose some things for now, as she knew you were quite mature for that already.

"So Y/N... Where are we off to then? I'll book the tickets."

After a little thought you replied the name of the country which you adored and had done a lot of research about.

"South Korea. That's the place for my dreams".

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