The Start

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Hope you like this part!!

With your Aunt's help, you had booked tickets for Korea, and had laid out all plans for your future. You had decided that music was your most precious talent, something you had loved since you were a toddler. You had booked an apartment that you were going to be sharing with around two other girls, and had decided you would take a job once you reach. Your studies would, of course, will have to be given a small break till everything settled down.

You had just got off the phone with Y/Bf/N, and made sure how you were going to be in contact with all of your friends even if it is from another country altogether.

Since the fight, you had been giving your mother the silent treatment, and she looked like she had stopped caring about you totally. She never paid attention to whatever you did now, it was like you were non-existent, just because you had decided you wanted to do something out of the ordinary.

Glancing at you packed suitcases, only two, and a backpack, you sighed. You didn't wanna leave, it wasn't home exactly, but it was familiar and some place you had been living in since your childhood. Oh, your glorious childhood! You missed those days, but who didn't now? No need to think about what you were going to do in the future, heck no kid even cared what they were going to have for dinner! But guess you just had to accept the fact now, you grew up, and you were going to run away. You were going to escape these confines and pursue your freedom, your happiness. Nothing else should matter.

You headed to the dining room, your dad having called you for dinner. He hadn't talked too much with you either, and hadn't disagreed with your mother either, which signified that even if he didn't fully show it, he supported her argument in some way or the other. You had never imagined your family would break apart like this, never thought that those beautiful memories of your childhood would be brought to such waste, but your optimistic attitude led you to remember the common saying "what happens, happens for a reason"  and you continued dinner in silence, going over your plans again and again.

Your aunt was going to pick you up at midnight, your flight being scheduled for 3:20 am. You were going to escape from the windows, since you didn't live in a high rise apartment, it was going to be easy, and your light luggage would be easy to carry.

Thanking for the dinner, you got up and went to put your plates in the sink and headed towards your bedroom, all the while the fact that this was you last meal with your family for who knows how long hitting you like a train. But you had made up your mind. The past is beautiful, but your future can be even better if you choose to make it. You were ready to leave this behind, your old life, to pursue your music.

Quickly changing from you night suit, you put on a pair of leggings and taking a jacket just in case it got cold on the flight, you heaved up your suitcases and pushed them out of the window making as less sound as possible. Looking around the room once again, you took one last pic of it on your phone. You would miss it, no matter what negativity you have gone through in the house, your room used to be your safe haven.

You grabbed your backpack and quickly jumped out of the window and reached the tall tree your aunt told you to wait under. The night was calm, you observed, but kind of desolate, or sad, maybe bidding you goodbye, knowing you wouldn't return to your childhood home again.

You saw your a car's headlights flashing in the distance, and your Aunt's head popping out of the window, ushering you towards the car. You quickly dragged your baggage and settled into her car.

"So are you sure you want to do this Y/N?" She inquired.

"Yes, I'm not happy now and never will be happy in that house." You replied determinedly.

Taking a deep breath and smiling at you your aunt said "I'm proud of you for pursuing your dreams. I'm happy you're not making the mistake I made of listening to my parents steer my life into the wrong direction."

As she started the car, you took one last look at your house, and promised yourself that no matter what happens, you would remember the good memories of your childhood house and never feel regret for whatever you did.

Finally seated in the flight, after giving your aunt the tightest hug, you were waiting for take-off. That's when your fellow passenger, who was a boy that looked around 16 years old, introduced himself to you.

"Hi I'm Divyesh. I'm from India. What about you?"

You were a little hesitant, but wondered what could go wrong even if you did give him a little of your information. Maybe you could even be friends.

Excited to make your first new friend, who hopefully lives in Korea, you answered "Hi, I'm Y/N, I'm from Y/Country/Name. Nice to meet you!"

"Oh lovely! So are going on a trip or...? Because you seem to be around my age to be honest" by the end of his sentence he was rubbing the back of his neck in a shy manner.

You blushed a little at his cuteness, and responded "No, I have a rented apartment in Korea, and I'm younger than you I think" you chuckled a bit.

"Ah so you're younger than me? That's wonderful. You look very mature, but in the best way possible"

"Oh thanks :)" you said quietly, as you could feel another little blush rise up your cheeks.

The the flight attendant announced that the flight was going to take off, so you quickly prepared for it, and took out your Korean notebook, as you learnt Korean in school and we're now going to put it to use.

After the long and tiring flight, you finally reached the country you always wanted to visit. You had already exchanged numbers with Divyesh, with whom you had made good friends over the flight.

Hailing a taxi wasn't too difficult with your flawless Korean, and you quickly reached you new apartment, that you would be sharing with two college girls about whom you didn't know much about. You received a pair of keys from the building head, and she wished you a warm welcome to your new house. You entered and were taken aback by the homely feel of the place.

You quickly entered, keen to discover the small but comfy looking appartment

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You quickly entered, keen to discover the small but comfy looking appartment. A door led to two smaller rooms, that were attached. You had decided that you would take the bed above the kitchen itself, since you were okay with it. You met your new roommates, Soojae & Hyeri who were very sweet to you and welcomed you warmly.

You spent the night arranging your room and closet, and then making friends with your new roommates. Turned out they were sisters, who had just started college and so had moved in together. After having a Korean takeout dinner, all of you left for your respective rooms.

Finally, things started looking bright for you, and for once you were eagerly waiting for what life was about to bring.

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