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Sounds of laughter echoed as people surrouned a overweight boy on the ground.

That boy, was Connor. He was treated badly for being overweight and was always a laughing stack to people.

Suddenly the door opened and revealed someone, no one knew. It was a girl and a boy about their age.

They both look like people who don't really care for anything and they'd probably join in on their fun.

Just then, the bell rings, saying to get in their seats for class. Connor got up, walking to his desk before sitting.

Connor rests his head onto the desk as he waits for the teacher to get to class and start the pointless lesson.

After a minute or two, the door opened again, revealing the male teacher. He walked inside and stopped at the front off class, turning to everyone.

"Ok, listen up...we're going on a bit of a trip to a science lab, but first, I otta introduce you to our new students."

Said the teacher, signalling the boy and girl got up, walking to the front of the classroom.

"This is Moon and Simon...starting today they are your classmates so treat them well."

Said the teacher as they walk to their seats again. From there, the teacher went through what they needed to go through before everyone began walking towards the bus stop, where they were gonna get a ride to the science lab.

As Connor and his classmates walk into the science lab, Connor notice Moon and Simon looking at him.

Connor figured their judging Connor, just as everyone else. Anyway, while walking, Connor notice something in the corner of his eye.

Connor stopped, turning to the ground to see a white mouse that looked too small to be a adult so he figured it was newly born.

Connor knees down to it, lifting a hand to it. The mouse approached the boy and sniffed his hand before getting closer and went onto Connor's hand.

Connor lift the mouse up, gently rubbing its head with a pat.

"Hey little guy...where'd you come from?"

Connor asked the small mouse, to only hear someone bust through the door, scared.

"Sir! The mice escaped!"

The man yelled, making Connor turn to the men.

What?! Those mice are important!"

Yelled the main scientist. Connor looked at the men and then the mouse, seeing the mouse shaking in Connor's hand, looking at the men.

Connor took a moment before putting the mouse in his jacket pocket.

"Ok, listen everyone, two mice escaped, one being very, very dangerous...I need you all to go, now."

Said the scientist, making everyone was upset but Connor didn't care. They all left the lab as people began looking for the mice.

Once the kids were out, someone found one of the mice.

"Sir! We found one!"

The man yelled, making the scientist turn to him.

"Good! Which one?"

The scientist asked, when they were interrupted by a squeal. They then to see a man holding a large mouse that resembled a rat and it was shaking and squealing, trying to bite him.


The scientist muttered. Just then, the mouse finally bites the man and he dropped it, making the mouse run off.

"Kill it! Now!"

The scientist ordered. They began firing but didn't get the mouse. Just then, there was a growl. They turn to see the man who was better bitten was now having red and black ooze leaking from his ears, nose, eyes, mouth, his nails were black and sharp, capable of cutting through flesh and bone and his eyes were red and black.

The man lunges at others, killing and eating them. The men scream, trying to kill him, to only be attacked themselves.

The bus had just arrived at the school and one by one, the kids get off, Connor making sure he's last to be in everyone's way.

Once Connor was out, he sticks his hand into his jacket pocket, feeling the mouse rubbing against it, also laying in the palm of his hand.

Connor makes a small smile as he continues walking to the school. Connor walked to the classroom but briefly stopped to the sounds of sirens and a scream.

Connor turns but saw nothing. Connor ignores it and walks into school and to class.

As the remaining day goes by, Connor couldn't shake the feeling that something was gonna happen.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door along with a thump. The teacher walked to the door to see who it was, to only be pushed backwards and someone attacked him, biting into his shoulder.

Connor and others scream, terrified from what happened. The teacher screams in pain as he tried to get the person off.

Just then, he stopped, letting the man eat and in seconds, he was dead. The man continues eating the teacher before noticing everyone else in the room.

The man makes a growl as he got up and lunge at Cindy, the pretty girl in class.

She screamed in fear. Before the man got to him, a few of the boys who were obsessed with Cindy, kept the man from biting her by pinning him down.

Connor looked in shock as he was scared shitless, feeling the urge to run like the coward he was...but yet...couldn't.

Just then, one of the boys were sent flying, making the grabbing weak and the man was up, lunging at the first person he sees.

Before Connor could warn him or even think, Connor was already running to him and before the man got his next victim, Connor pushed him out of the way, making Connor the man's target.

The man grabbed Connor and Connor fell, using his arms and legs to keep him from him.

Connor screamed for help but...no one did. As Connor fought for his life, Connor remembers something from his life.

Connor remembered the hell he went though and at that moment...snapped.

Connor reached for the closest, biggest book he could find and when he did, Connor quickly lets go but use his legs to keep him away while Connor grabbed the book with both hands since it was too heavy to pick up with one hand.

Connor hits him on the head, making him fall before Connor go on top of him and began slamming the book down into his head.

Connor slammed the book on his face over and over, screaming until the skull and brain was destroyed and the man's blood, brains, flesh and some sort of red and black liquid leaked from what's left of his skull.

Connor pants, looking down before getting up, dropping the book and look up at the terrified kids in front of him.

"Why didn't...you help me?"

Connor: Boy VS virusWhere stories live. Discover now