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Connor awoke to pain in his body, due to being shot with arrows.

Sitting up from the bed, Connor saw that the door opened and reveal Clem.

"Connor!" Yelled Clem.

Clem hugged Connor making him slightly blush before hugging back.

"Hey Clem." Said Connor.

"How are you?" Asked Clem.

"Better, don't worry about me...did something happen while I was out?" Asked Connor.

"No, just Andy and Danny saying they went to go find anyone involved in shooting you." Said Clem.

Connor nods before noticing someone enter the room, revealing themselves to be the little girl from before that was in the woman's arms.

"Hi there, what's your name?" Asked Connor.

The girl stayed silent, hiding around the corner as if she's scared of Connor.

"Huh? Did I scare you?" Asked Connor.

The girl stayed silent. Connor was confused before noticing someone else getting to the door.

"Sorry for Lilly, she means no harm...she is shy." Said the woman.

"No need to worry about it...its cute." Said Connor.

Lilly makes a blush before running off. Connor smiles as someone else approach the door, revealing themselves to be Andy.

"How you feeling Connor?" Asked Andy.

"Better." Said Connor.

"Good to know...by the way, me and Danny checked around the area for those people but found nothing." Said Andy.

"Alright." Connor muttered.

Just then, there was a ring.

"Oh! My pie is ready!" Yelled the woman.

She walked off and Connor looked at Andy.

"Hope you like Apple pie." Said Andy.

He walked off and Connor walked with Clem out of the room too, Connor putting a shirt on as he walked to the kitchen.

As Connor and the others sit at the table, Connor took a bite out of the apple pie.

He wasn't that interested in Apple pie but seeing as she made some for him and it being the only thing he could eat for now till dinner or tomorrow.

Connor finished the pie as he got up and put his plate in the sink before turning, about to go to his room, when someone held his hand. Turning, Connor saw it was Lilly.

"Oh, hello, how can I help you?" Asked Connor.

There was a moment before she tugged onto his hand as she stepped to the side, saying she wanted to show him something. Following, Connor and Lilly walked to the barn and enter to reveal a cow, a small baby beside it.

"Aw." Connor muttered.

Lilly pulled Connor to the side and sit him down by the two cows, close enough for them to reach and she gently pat the baby cow. Connor looked at her before gently reaching two, glancing at the mother cow to see if it was ok and she didn't do anything, so thinking it was ok, Connor pats the cows head.

Connor smiles as he felt something warm grab his arm. Turning, Connor saw Lilly, about to speak when she suddenly looked scared as she makes a small yelp. Connor was confused when he saw that there was infected entering the barn.

Turning the two, the infected went to attack. Connor got up and ignore the pains and use his strength to try and get the infected person to not kill Lilly or the cows. Connor shoved them to the side and turn to the wooden door to the area the cows and Lilly were in.

Connor shuts it before shouting.

"Stay in there!"

Connor turns to the infected as they lunge at him and Connor dodge before noticing a pitchfork to the side, knowing he'd need a weapon to survive. Running to it to try and get it, Connor was grabbed by the infected and he fell.

The infected went on top of Connor, trying to bite him but Connor was able to keep it back before kicking it off and grabbed the pitchfork, lunging at the infected and stabbed it in the head.

Connor stabbed it about two to three times to make sure its dead. Connor pants as he dropped the pitchfork before running to the cows and Lilly. Entering, Connor saw Lilly and the cows were ok.

Lilly got up before running to Connor, hugging him out of fear. Connor knees down to her and hug back, also picking her up and close the door to keep the cow safe before looking around for more infected until he got to a door with a lock on it.

Connor was confused to what the door was and went to try and open it when Lilly stopped him, looking scared. Connor was confused before seeing she looked scared and sad.

Connor was silent for a moment before smiling warmly.

"Hey...what's behind the door? Is there something I need to know? Is it ok to tell me?" Asked Connor.

Connor knew he might not be able to know, but it wouldn't hurt to ask first in case he could get something. Lilly took a moment before whispering into Connors ear, making him look in shock and disgust, running back to the house.

Connor got to the house and enter, running around to find the other kids plus Clem, wanting to get them out of here. Just then, Connor saw the man from before, looking angry.

"Hey, you should be in bed." Said the man, looking as if he was suspisious to why Connor was up, with Lilly too.

Connor looked at him before whispering to Lilly.

"Lilly...does anyone else know?" Asked Connor.

There was a moment before she whispered back. The moment Connor got what he needed, he turns to the man.

"Me and my friend are leaving...Lilly too...move." Said Connor.

The man knew why he was acting like this and suddenly, attacking Connor, making him move to dodge. Connor went to attack when something hits his head, making him fall but he made sure Lilly didn't fall with him or fell on her, making her land on him and Connor looked up, seeing Andy.

"You just had to find out."

He stomped onto Connor's head, knocking him out.

Connor awoke in some kind of meat locker, some people around him. Looking, there was a total of three to four people, one pounding on the door, one in the corner with a child, one in a corner vomiting as if they were sick and one looking pissed as he drinks something, alcohol maybe since some bottles were nearby.

Sitting up, the others turn to Connor.

"Kid, you ok?" Asked one of the men.

"Yeah...ah, damn." Connor muttered.

"You sure, your bleedig." Said a woman.

Connor looked down to see blood leaking from one of his wounds on his arms.

"I'm fine...I got shot with a arrow before...a wound must've opened." Said Connor.

Connor then looked around to see Clem and Lilly weren't there.

"Wait, there was two people with me, where are they?!" Asked Connor.

"Sorry kid, but you were the only one they brought in...sorry to say but they must be those cannibals dinner by now."

Connor: Boy VS virusWhere stories live. Discover now