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Connor pants as his head hovered over the bear trap, which was closed and had a bit if his hair in it.

Danny then took both his hands and began strangling Connor, making him gag and try to get away.

Connor kicked his feet up since he bent his knees before he began strangling Connor and Connor slit his leg between Danny's arms and kick him in the nose, making him fall back and let go of Connor as he yanked his head from the trap, tearing some hair off and Connor runs to get the gun Danny hand, to only be grabbed by Danny.

Connor turned and kicked Danny again, making him hold his nose since Connor broke it and crawled to the gun but was grabbed again and this time, Danny turned Connor around and kept Connor from using his legs to kick him as Connor was being strangled again.

Connor gages as everyone began going back as he reached for anything, a rock, needle, something.

Just then, Connor felt something in his hand. He didn't know or care what it was and swung it at Danny, stabbing him to reveal it to be the knife.

Danny screamed as he let go and Connor also kicked him off and went on top of him and spite Danny's plead, Connor stabbed him, and again and again and again and just kept going until he felt the knife bend and snap due to Connor stabbing through the skull and hit the ground.

Connor pants as he looked down at the dead man. Connor pants before looking up and scream from rage.

Connor got up and drop the broken knife, knowing its useless now and walked to the exit.

Connor walked to the house as he notice the man from before, the father of the house, looking around.

He saw Connor and run to him, growling. Connor dodge him as he swung what looked to be a machete.

Connor jumped onto the man's back and bit his ear, making him scream and drop the machetes as he tried to get Connor off.

Connor then reach to the man's eyes and claw at them, blinding him for a moment and Connor got up, running to the machete and swung it at the man, slashing his stomach open.

Connor saw his organs come out as the man tried to attack still but Connor dodge and knock him to his knee, making Connor be able to reach his head and Connor slashed the machete at it, stabbing through it.

Connor pants before taking it out and walked towards the house. Connor got to the door and open it, seeing that the door was on locked.

Connor enters the house and snuck around wanting to find Clem. Getting to the stairs, Connor climbs it and walked to the room he was sleeping in, wondering if Clem was there.

Entering, there was nothing. Connor looked around for his weapons while there but they were gone.

"Damn, must've already took them." Said Connor.

Connor exits the room and looked around until he found a room with the name "Andy" on them.

Connor enters, weapon ready to see Andy wasn't inside, Connor's bag to the side.

Connor walked to it and open it to see if it had what it did before and it did. Connor puts it on before walking to the door and exit, walking around until he found the two boys room, the two sleeping.

Connor close the door and walked down stairs, hoping clem is in the kitchen and walking to it, Connor saw Clem and Lilly unconscious near the mother, who was sharpening her knife, about to kill them.

Connor runs to her as he cuts her leg, making her scream as she fell and before turning, Connor stabbed her in the head.

Connor looked at her before putting the machete into the bag and turn to the two girls, walking to them as he took out one of his knives and cut the rope, shaking them and woke them up.

They woke up and look at Connor.

"Connor, your ok!" Yelled clem as she hugged him.

Connor hugged back as he notice Lilly looking down, sad, as if she doesn't expect him to want her near him since she's related to them.

Connor smiles as he lift a hand, offering her to join the hug, which she blushes with tears before crawling to them and hugs them too.

After letting go, Clem saw the woman behind him, dead.

"Connor...did you--"

Before she finished, Connor rest his head on her shoulder, making her blush before feeling liquid hit her arm.

"Clem...please don't make me talk about it." Said Connor.

Clem knew Connor was sad and didn't ask anything else.

"Come on...we better go." Said Connor.

Connor got up and walked with the girls to the exit, about to leave. The moment Connor walked out the door, Connor heard a shot as he felt a bullet graze his stomach, making him fall back.

"Connor!" Yelled Clem.

"Stay inside!" Yelled Connor as he got up and slam the door shut.

Connor turns to see Andy, about to fire another shot and Connor took out his gun as he ran from the porch and fire a shot at Andy, which he did back and Connor was able to briefly dodge it as Andy was it in the ear and fell back.

Before he could act, Connor fires another shot at Andy's hand, making him drop the gun as Connor shot a third shot, making him fall. Connor walked to Andy and make Andy look up at him.

"Tell me Andy...why did you do this? I know there isn't much food, but even so, you did a evil thing." Said Connor.

"Cause there's nothing we can do...we need food." Said Andy.

"You have a damn farm! A cow! Corn! As far as I know, you have more of a chance of getting food by planting then others outside!" Yelled Connor.

Andy said nothing. Connor growls before turning and walked away.

"Your not even worth it." Said Connor.

Connor walked to the house, making the door open and reveal Lilly and Clem.

"You ok?" Asked Clem.

"Yeah...come on." Said Connor.

Connor and the girls walked away. Connor walked to the barn to see if the others were alright to see their gone.

"Must've run off while having the chance." Said Connor.

Connor turns and they left, exiting the farm and walked down the road, away from that nightmare farm.

Connor: Boy VS virusWhere stories live. Discover now