Meeting camila cabello

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In this your mum will be Jenifer Anniston-Lucy
Your dad will be Adam Sandler-Jerald
Your sister will be Sadie Sink-megan
PS-In this your parents will be as famous as the real people are already and in this Chloe is 24 and her parents are 41 her sister is 16🖤🖤
Chloe was celebrating her birthday at a restaurant with her mum dad and sister, it was a small celebration because Chloe didn't like much attention.
"This was lovely thanks mum and dad"
Chloe said as she put her knife and fork on the plate
"No problem I just hope you had a nice birthday"
Chloe's dad said sweetly
"I did it was very nice"
Chloe's sister said
"Happy birthday sis, I know I don't really talk to you much but it turns out your a pretty decent human being"
Chloe replies slightly uncertain wether it's a compliment or not
"Thanks..I guess"
Megan smiled bright but sarcastically
"That's enough Megan let Chloe be happy without you judging her after all it's her birthday"
Chloe's mum said.
Megan was annoyed she only wanted fun so she huffed and slumped in her chair.
Her dad called over a waiter and paid for the meal and they all got up and left to go out into the rainy streets to walk home.
While they were walking Chloe found some spare change in her black jeans pocket and decided to get herself her favourite warm drink
From costa
"Hey mum I'm gonna go get a drink from-"
She pointed to the costa and her mum responded
"Do you want us to wait for you outside"
"No it's ok I will walk home"
"You sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure, thanks mum"
They walked away and left Chloe alone in the streets pouring with rain. She walked inside and shivered from the sudden warmth then walked up to the front desk to order her drink but as she saw who was serving her, her mouth dropped open as she saw Camila Cabello.
Omg omg omg omg omg
She kept repeating in her head
It's's CAMILA FRICKEN CABELLO...DONT freak out don't freak out don't freak out
But it was already too late she was freaking out
"Are you okay miss"
Camila said concerned
"Y-y-Yeah I'm f-fine"
She responded shakily
Camila responded not believing a word
"What can I get you"
Camila said with a smile
"A (your favourite drink) please"
Okay coming right up it will only be a minute"
Camila said happily
Omg I feel like I'm gonna burst..I can't stop smiling omg she probably thinks I'm weird oh god stop smiling what is happening to me
She thought confused
"You look like your having an internal argument are you sure I can't help you with anything?"
Camila said concerned
"No I'm fine it's just that your a really good singer and I didn't think you would be working at costa"
Camila responded with
"I get that a lot but you seem different but I don't know how"
Oh no she thinks I'm different that definitely means it's bad
"Your doing that face again"
Camila said with a small chuckle
"What face"
"That one"
she said giggling at Chloe
Chloe quietly chuckles along with her
"I guess I have a weird face then"
"No you don't you have a cute face"
By the look on Camila's face and the redness in her cheeks she didn't mean to say that out loud
By this point Chloe has turned red as a tomato.
I hope you like it it's only my second book sooo yeah
Ok byeeeeee 🖤🖤

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