Your Date.

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*Daniela's POV*
I opened the door to my house, about to tell my dad about my date but I realized he wasn't home. He must've gotten held up in traffic on his way home from work. Sighing, I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. I have to admit I was a bit upset that my dad wasn't home. I tell him everything, even all the girl stuff. Sometimes he doesn't know what to say because he's not a woman. But I'm glad that he's always here for me because I don't have a mum to share all those things with.

I walked into my room, looking for what to wear for my date tonight with Michael. I picked out a flannel and my new All Time Low shirt. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans. I pulled my beanie out of my drawer and finally, I got out my black vans. I put everything down on my bed. I still had about two hours to get ready so I decided to curl my hair.

After an hour of curling my hair. I redid my makeup a little bit. Then, I decided to get changed. After I was done with that, I decided to go downstairs and watch some tv to kill time. It was 5:30 by now and Mikey said he would pick me up at 6:00. I was so excited but so nervous at the same time.

I was watching my favorite show and I lost track of time. All of this sudden I heard a know on my door. My heart started to race and I had butterflies in my stomach. I grabbed my bag and phone and went to answer the door. "You look beautiful, Daniela." Mikey said to me. "Thank you ,Mikey. You're don't look so bad your self." I said making him blush. He was wearing the same ATL shirt as me with a similar colored flannel. I find it cute that we always end up wearing the same thing. "Shall we get going?" Michael asked. "Lead the way." I said with a grin. He laughed and took my hand in his. We walked to his car and got in. Once he turned the car on, it was filled with the weird music that his dad listens to. I laughed and picked up my bag remembering that I put the All Time Low CD Michael had bought me inside. I got it out "Look what I have." I said with a smirk. "Thank God." Mikey said, making me laugh. I put in the CD and turned the volume up almost all the way. We both knew the first track and we started singing together like idiots.

When we finally arrived to our destination, I immediately knew where we were. We were at the brand new skating rink I have been dying to go to. "Oh my gosh Mikey! How did you know I wanted to come here?" I asked, overly excited. "I heard you talking to Madisyn about it." He said. I wanted to kiss him by then. But that could wait for later. He got out and walked to my side of the car, opening the door for me. "Thanks, Mikey." I said to him. "As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." He said making me blush. We laced our fingers together and walked into the skating rink. I was kind of happy that there wasn't that many people because I suck at skating. I know, it's stupid that I've been dying to go here when I don't even know how to skate.

We walked over to a lady sitting at a desk and she asked for her shoe sizes. She came back with the skates and we swiftly ran to the bench near us so we could get our skates on ASAP. We got them out and headed for the skating rink. I was a little nervous because I think that Michael thinks I'm good at skating. Oh God, he's gonna see me fall and probably laugh. We starting skating and I was all ready struggling. "Whoa. It's ok, I got you." Michael said with a chuckle. "Do you even know how to skate, Daniela?" Michael asked. "To be honest... No. I'm sorry for ruining the date. You can take me home if you want." I said with a sigh before lowering my head so he wouldn't see the embarrassment in my face. "You didn't ruin the date and I'm not taking you home. Just take my hand and I'll show you. I promise I won't let go." He said picking my head up with his hand. "Ok! Thank you Mikey!" I said kissing his cheek. He took my hand. We started skating slowly, but I started getting the hang of it and he picked up the speed. Before I knew it, I was skating. And I wasn't struggling this time. Still hand in hand, we skated around for 30 minutes.

"Attention everyone, it is now time for couples' skating." a lady said into a microphone. They dimmed the lights and they put on a slow song. "Do you want to stay for the couples skate?" Mikey asked. "Sure!" I said. He took my hand again. They turned on some blacklights. They lit up the floor with heart shaped figures. I smiled as Michael and I continued skating. I could hear him humming to the song they had on. He noticed me look at him and he blushed.

The couples skate was over and they said closing time was in ten minutes. Michael and I got out of the roller rink and returned our skates. There was an old lady there now. We handed her the skates but before we could leave she said something. "You two are so cute together." She said cheerfully making both Mikey and I blush. "Thank you," I said proudly. Mikey smiled at me and we left. "Let's go get some pizza before I drop you off." Michael suggested. "PIZAA!!" I excitedly yelled. We stopped at a small pizza place down the street from my house. "I love this place. I always walk here to pick pizza up for my dad and me." I said. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. I've never been here but since you live down the road I figured that you have." He says. "Well you figured correctly." I said with a laugh. "This pizza is so good. I could eat it all day." Mikey says. "Yeah, I see that! We've already had two pizzas and the lady at the register is looking at us like we're pigs!" I said laughing. "Who cares what she thinks? We're having fun and that's all that matters." Mikey said with a large smile. He reached for my hand over the table and he started to rub his thumbs over my palm. "I've liked you for so long Daniela. I don't want to overthink this and start rambling so I'm just going to ask you....." He said. The butterflies started forming in my stomach again. . This is the moment I've been waiting for ever since I met Michael. "Daniela.. Will y-you be my gi-girlfriend?" Mikey asked. I found it adorable how nervous he was. He was looking straight at me with flushed cheeks. His beautiful green eyes looking were looking into mine. . "I would be honored to be your girlfriend, Mikey." I said with a giggle. He let out a relived sigh. "I'm so happy you said yes." He said with a wide smile. "And I'm so happy that you asked me." I said with confidence. We decided it was time to leave and left a 10$ tip. "I hate to say this but it's 10:00 and I don't want you getting in trouble with your dad." He said as he took my hand. "I don't want to go home. I wanna stay longer, but you're right. Dad said I have to be home by 10: 15" I said with a sigh. We stood up and got into Mikey's car. We blasted the last ATL song of the day before I had to go.

We stopped in front of my house and Mikey quickly walked up to get my door. I giggled as he opened it. "Thanks, Mikey." I said. "Anything for you." He said back to me as he gave me a light kiss on the cheek. We walked hand in hand up the stairs that lead to the front door. "Thanks for tonight, Mikey. It was the best night of my life." I said with a smile.. "You're welcome. I'm so happy that you said yes." He said with a blush. "To which question are you referring to. Me saying yes to the date, or me saying yes about being your girlfriend?" I said with a slight smirk. "Both." He said before he cupped my face and started kissing me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck. After a while, we pulled back, trying to catch our breaths. "Goodnight, Mikey." I said opening the front door. "Goodnight, Daniela." he said before I closed the door. I walked into the living room and took my shoes off, not seeing that my dad was on the couch. "Hi honey. Did you go out?" My dad asked. "Oh hi dad. I didn't see you sorry. And yeah I went out on a date." I said with a smile smile. "Oh, how was it?" He asked. I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about Michael. "It was great. I had so much fun!" I said smiling. "Well I'm glad you had fun. What's the boys name?" My dad asked. "His name is Michael. He's Madisyn's brother. I said heading for the stairs. "Oh ok. Goodnight night, Daniela." My dad said. "Night dad." I yelled from upstairs. I put on some comfortable clothes and listened to my new ATL cd quietly. I climbed into bed and starting thinking about how fun tonight was. After about ten minutes I was getting sleepy and I turned my CD down. I drifted off to sleep with a huge smile on my face as ATL quietly played in the background.

A/N: Hey guys! Did you like this chapter? Tell me what you think in the comments! Thanks guys! Ciao!
~Daniela <3

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