Truth Or Dare pt. 1

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"HEY GUYS, PIZZAS HERE" I heard Ashton, Luke, And Calum say in unison, making me break away from Michael. He sighed and I giggled. "We'll be down in a sec, just let me clean up a bit in here" Michael yelled back. I could just hear Calum smirk and chant in my head. "Ok." They all replied. "imagine what Calum must be thinking right now." I laughed "Oh god he probably thinks we were at it." Michael replied. "Probably" I giggled. After about 6 minutes we were done cleaning up. "Cmon princess lets go down stairs." Michael smiled while lacing my fingers with his. "Okay Mikey." I said.


"Damn this pizza is good" Michael said for about the 20th time. I laughed. "Yeah we know Mikey, you've told us about 20 times." I said. Then I remembered something. "Where are Madisyn, Ally, and Zach?" I asked getting worried. "Dude don't worry they left a few hours ago. They went to this one club just a little bit out of Sydney." Luke said. "Oh okay." I said "how come you guys didn't go with them?" "I dunno, I guess we just weren't in the partying mood." Ashton said. "Yeah, I kinda just wanted to chill today" Calum said. "Oh, yeah same here. So what shall we do now that Mr. Clifford over here finished the pizza?" I asked. "Shut up" Michael said playfully. "Oops" I smirked. "Ew. You guys are so weird" Ashton said. "Really Irwin. You wanna go there?" Michael seethed at Ashton. "Nope not really." Ash said. "How about we play, truth or dare?" Luke said making everyone shut up. "Sounds good to me" I said. "Yeah I'm in" Ashton said. "Let's do this bitch" Calum said, getting excited. We all laughed. Well everyone except for Michael. "What's wrong babe?" I asked him.

"What's wrong babe?" Daniela asked me snapping me out of my thoughts. I wasn't so sure I wanted to play this. 'What if they dare Daniela to kiss one of them.' 'What if she likes one of them more than me' 'Maybe she likes Luke more than me, he's better looking.' 'What if they dare me to do something bad.' I thought to myself. "Oh me, yeah I'm fine. I'm just not so sure if I wanna play, " I said. "Why Michael." Luke asked. Calum smirked "I know why, he doesn't want anything to happen to Daniela." "Oh c'mon bro. Nothing will happen. Scouts honor" Ashton said, making everyone laugh. "What the hell Ashton, you weren't even a Boy Scout as a kid." Michael laughed. "Oh well, now will you play?" Ashton said. "Ugh fine." I said. Daniela laughed. "It'll be fine Mikey." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek, making me blush. She then went to my ear and whispered "I love you." I blushed even more. "I love you too. " I said. She giggled and I saw a light pink shade come appear on her cheeks. "Oh god" Luke laughed. "C'mon you two love birds. Let's get this game going." Calum yelled. "Yeah. And by the way, you guys suck at whispering." Ashton said. "Oh well. I want everyone to know that I love her." I smirked. Daniela giggled and buried her head into my neck. "Can we just play already?" Luke laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Fine" I said standing up and grabbing Daniela's hand, guiding her into the living room.

A/N: Hey babes. Sorry this is a short chapter. I'll make a part two with it, because I don't have time at the moment to finish it. Love you guys.xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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